Latest posts made by Connorm2009
RE: Variable Expression given on conditions of limit switchs
@dc42 just to further clarify,if I had tool 1 in the carriage seat if I then selected tool 4 stored in a different coordinate location I would like the duet board to know to put tool 1 back before collecting tool. How would you lay this kind of work flow out in the programme ? Thanks,connor
RE: Variable Expression given on conditions of limit switchs
Thankyou so much, that is so much help!!!
I want to achieve a tool selection by the limit switch has been selected, whilst allowing the Duet to know what is in the seat of the carriage. The limit switch m state being its function.
Is the Duet able to write variable offset values (using Set?) Within another configuration file
So for example:
#1 = 2.45 "config2.g"
Can it pull this information from the config file in the same manner?
Variable Expression given on conditions of limit switchs
Firstly I would like to say Hi! I'm Connor, Mechanical Engineer from South, UK
I fairly new at using Duet variable, but have used Fanuc Variable
I hope you are able to help with the below questions:
I am doing a project for my degree on my printer, which I won't disclose for the time being
Firstly I wondered if you have a definitive list of variables for the Duet 2 or 3? I have looked through the Wiki and cannot see it (but this may just be me being silly :P)
I am trying to achieve something around these lines (written how I interpret it):
IF = LIMITSWITCH1=1 (ON) GOTO M98 'P000' (presumably within a macro call? M98 P***)
IF = LIMITSWITCH2=1 (ON) GOTO M98 'P001' presumably within a macro call? M98 P***)
I guess the limit switch would be a Pin ID and either 0 or 1 (off on)?
Code within the Macro program would be laid out as below or seperated if more appropriate:
Function.... G0 X1 Y1 Z1.
Function.... G0 X2 Y2 Z2.
END OF PROGRAMI cannot find an MCode for end of program?
I am also interested to know whether the Duet has the ability to call coordinate or offset information from a config file, to which it can call specific flags when given specific values, ie, pick and place based on what is in a machine. IE Tool Lengths:
N444 Z56.22
N445 Z65.00
N446 Z32.00Does the Duet have the ability to output a signal from single pins (presumably from the GPIO pins?), that I could potentially program an arduino with CNC sheild to pick up and act in variation (if it is not capable of the above questions)
My last question, having read some of your other posts, I am scared to ask. But. Within a variable arrangement such as
Am I able to use GOTO and THEN functions to continue to the next flag ie.
N550 IF=LIMITSWITCH=0 THEN M98"P001"I know above is not used but similarly used in Fanuc for jumping around programs. LIMITSWITCH is representative of what I was asking above..
I understand there will be people shaking there heads at me, but please be kind..
I hope you are able to help? Examples would be absolutely amazing if possible?