@dc42 thanks, I discovered this after going through the web interface and it's GIT site when the changeover seems to have been made in v1.17 - is this the standard interface now and the documentation is a bit out of sync?

Latest posts made by daprigoo
RE: It's out! RepRapFirmware 2.0 and 1.21.1 released
RE: It's out! RepRapFirmware 2.0 and 1.21.1 released
I'm upgrading a Fisher delta with a 0.6 Duet from 1.09k to 1.21.1 and have a problem with the web interface. On the G-Code Files listing the green, blue and red icons are not being displayed next to the files, I only get a simple selection box.
This is the same on Firefox and Chrome browsers
I have used the DuetWebControl-1.21.1.zip from https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/releases/tag/2.0