@oliof First of all: Thanks.
The MIR design uses the H design just split. But it seriously highlights what I am going for. The only info I find about this MIR design is on this forum, Google has nothing on it.
It does have the same issues with the firmware, but from what I can find, people think the code should work? But do anyone know this is the appropriate code. Will this work?
Since the MIR is a half H, it only uses one stepper for each side plane. This actually may give me a way out as it leaves me with a one stepper motor matrix for the x-z plane, and if I use a half H for Y, and the y-z plane, that is only one more motor to define. That leaves me with only 3 steppers, and hopefully something that can be dialed in.
The issue will be imbalance for the Y motor with a half H. Another twist could be to actually use an H style belt routing for the y-z axis, just with one motor. (just faking a stepper with an idler) Banking on the other axis to keep any imbalance in check, if I do not figure out this firmware thing. So I got a plan B and C now.
Also, I will be modeling this for 1m tubes. That should at least give me a print volume of 800x800x800mm. Which can be easily swapped for 2m tubes, resulting in something like 1800x1800x1800mm.
Finding a suitable printbed with a reasonable prized textured PEI is also a nightmare.
The sanely prized ones seem to cap at about 500*500mm, and even those are hard to get by. Please let me know if you know of anything reasonable. Preferably something stable, that is available over time. Makes it easier for others to duplicate the printer.
The whole idea of the xz-yz is that each side is inherently balanced by the gantry. That in it self allows for less rigid gantry, and is the very core of the design, allowing for less moving mass. The design by nature is keeping things straight, allowing for less rigid designs to achieve tight tolerances. This is supposedly the key weakness of the H-design.
Again, thanks for the answer. I will make this, hopefully your code actually works. That would be really great.