@seeul8er Found the problem. My touch panel was configured for 5v, some soldering on jumper JP and it's now configured for 3,3v. Problem solved and it works perfectly!

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RE: RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
Latest posts made by KenOlo
RE: RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
@seeul8er Found the problem. My touch panel was configured for 5v, some soldering on jumper JP and it's now configured for 3,3v. Problem solved and it works perfectly!
RE: RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
While trying to start the ESP32/PCB and attached touch screen the monitor window shows that the touch panel is found but there is an error whille trying to read from the device. What could cause this?
[0;32mI (210) ILI9488: ILI9488 initialization.[0m
[0;32mI (510) ILI9488: Enabling backlight.[0m
[0;32mI (510) FT6X36: Found touch panel controller[0m
[0;31mE (510) FT6X36: Error reading from device: ERROR[0m
[0;32mI (510) FT6X36: Device ID: 0x00[0m
[0;32mI (520) FT6X36: Chip ID: 0x00[0m
[0;32mI (520) FT6X36: Device mode: 0x00[0m
[0;32mI (530) FT6X36: Firmware ID: 0x00[0m
[0;32mI (530) FT6X36: Release code: 0x00[0m