correct me if im wrong- but the other thread asked for different acceleration values based on speed
not a whole different acceleration profile to make for more efficient movement over-all and less ringing..
is Ian discrediting lars's findings with less ringing artifacts and higher print speeds?
Perhaps im just too stupid to understand? haha.
i think this is a whole new topic?
Ringing is caused (generally) by flex in the belt and oscillation thereafter.- the new acceleration profile not only myself but others theorize will reduce oscillation frequencies that trigger belts to act erratically therefore better surface finish.
is this an incorrect assumption stemming from the video evidence presented?
why would Trinamic invest R&D if its not a useful feature?
why would Lars invest time and effort to implementing this also, Is his findings inaccurate?
please educate me 
a quote from Lars's findings
I'm currently up to about 550mm/s travel, 425mm/s infill printing (extruder permitting) and 100-150 mm/s perimeters (depending on quality & planner speed β and if sharp corners are needed -- extruder response limits crisp corners at high speed). Even at lower speeds, the s-curve profile gives better print quality -- for example, less oscillation / waves after hard corners .
we can theories till the cows come home- but it seems from the evidence that Sin- wave acceleration profiling as the future of high quality fdm movement? once again i am open minded to be crushed - if you can give me evidence to prove its not effective please present it here.