I bought a Duet2 Ethernet board about a year and a half ago, mounted it to my then broken printer and tried to fix it. Got the board running but niced afterwards that my X axis was hopelessly bent. Skip forward to 2 weeks ago when I finally received a new machine.
So i hooked up my old Duet board and set it up for the new printer.
After I got everything working I decided to do some updates.
At that point i was running DWC 1.19 and RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.03beta3 (2019-03-25b6)
After finding the files for DWC 2.0.6 I pasted these into the /www Folder on my SD-Card and I got a new DWC Interface. However, when I go to the "General" Tab under Settings, I am being told that I am running DWC 2.0.4 - Strange...
Anyways, happy with the new interface I decided to then update to RRF 3.0
Got the files from gitHub, uploaded it trough the "Upload System Files" Option in DWC and confirmed the installation of the new firmware.
I immediately got an M997 S0 Error: M997: In-application programming binary "iap4e.bin" not found
So I got googling and found out that I need to download the file from this link : https://github.com/dc42/DuetIAP/blob/master/Release/iap4e.bin
After that I tried again installing the firmware, and this time I got no error. However, DWC still shows that I am running on RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.03beta3 (2019-03-25b6), and my config.g still works.
What did I do wrong/did I miss? Is it possible that I need to do some sort of intermittend update to get this to work? And why was iap4e missing when I was already running 2.03? After all that I've read this issue should only be faced when updating from 1.19 or previous, no?
Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I am kind of lost