I’m working on a project where I need to store some calibration parameters in a file within a /calib/ directory on the SD card. I was wondering if there’s a way to access the data from that file and load it into an array variable for further use. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Read values from .txt
[3.6.0beta.2] Errors in Close loop tuning
I’m experiencing issues with axis tuning. The mechanical setup is as follows:
A motor with an integrated brake and quadrature encoder.
A coupling connects the motor to a leadscrew.
A magnetic encoder is mounted on the opposite end of the motor due to limited access to the axis.
The calibration fails, likely due to backlash or counts/step mismatch. Here are the errors I’m seeing:Power up + 00:00:29 [warn] Error: Driver 122.0 calibration failed, measured backlash (0.639 step) is too high.
Power up + 00:00:29 [warn] Warning: Driver 122.0 failed to maintain position, tuning/calibration failed.
Power up + 00:00:25 [warn] Error: Driver 122.0 calibration failed, the measured motion was less than expected, measured counts/step is about 66.8.Is there a way to use only the quadrature encoder for calibration to bypass the backlash issue?
How can I resolve those problems?BR.
RE: [3.6.0beta.2] Unable to Access Object for positionError
Hi @dc42,
I was running in standalone mode.
Thanks for the "M409 K"boards[1].drivers[0].closedLoop" command; it revealed an incompatibility with the DWC, which was resolved after an update.BR.
RE: [3.6.0beta.2] Unable to Access Object for positionError
It's curious that when accessing the average error (boards[1].drivers[0].closedLoop.currentFraction.avg), the output is a value. However, for positionError, it seems to return an object.Interestingly, both are specified as value in the object model of the DWC.
Am I correct in assuming that the real-time PID error is part of the positionError? How can i acess that?
[3.6.0beta.2] Unable to Access Object for positionError
I'm attempting to calibrate an axis using the encoder position error(with 1HCL board). To achieve this, I need to access the boards[].drivers[].closedLoop.positionError parameter.
Initially, I found it located at:
boards[1].drivers[0].closedLoop.currentFraction.positionErrorHowever, when I try to retrieve its value using boards[1].drivers[0].closedLoop.currentFraction.positionError.value with echo, it doesn't return anything.
Could someone guide me on how to properly access and read the encoder error value?