Thanks so much for the detailed instructions they've resolved everything for me and I'm now happily compiling - I hope they help out some other people too.

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RE: Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
Latest posts made by Rab
RE: Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
Thanks so much for the detailed instructions they've resolved everything for me and I'm now happily compiling - I hope they help out some other people too.
RE: Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
Thank you for such a fast response!

I'm not sure if the image upload worked - but as output I get :
and 92 files in the src folderIs this as expected?
RE: Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
I didn't have the rfflibraries and have since found them - they are not mentioned in any of the build instructions.
( they to sit in the PanelDue project in an rfflibraries folder?
RE: Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
I now have some output after changing the Build type to internal builder in the project properties. However, the output is .elf and not .bin.
There are also numerous warnings from Buzzer.cpp
Appreciate any thoughts on what I am missing.
Help for first time building PanelDue firmware
I am attempting to build PanelDue firmware (1.24) I have the following installed:
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200*and have added make.exe from Arduino 1.5.8 to the GCC install path
I have followed the build instructions but do not think I have everything set up correctly.
When I try to build the PanelDue project (project>Build all) in Eclipse I get the following result:**10:03:50 **** Incremental Build of configuration Release-7.0 for project PanelDue ****
make -j6 all10:03:51 Build Finished (took 113ms)**
How can I tell if I have imported the PanelDue project to Eclipse correctly?
and is there anything else I need to do before I can build the project?Thank you for the help!