Thank you for your answer. What kinematics do have continuous rotation axis? How can I choose it? Maybe I can make a work around, since the gcode is not generated by a slicer, but by a script code, which I made myself.

Latest posts made by wuem
RE: U-axis without limit
RE: U-axis without limit
Yes, if there is no other solution, this may be what I will do. And maybe I can reset the position with G92 if it gets too high. But no limit would still be better...
RE: U-axis without limit
I did already try it as an extruder axis. But there are two big disadvantage:
- there is no possibility for a homing on an extrusion axis (as far as I know). And we need homing to know in which position the axis is.
- only relative movement is allowed, which is not the best for the application.
RE: U-axis without limit
Thank you for your ideas. I have testet them both. Unfortunately both do not work. With both I can only move from 0 - 200 then it stops. I assume, that 200 is the default limit.
Any other ideas? -
U-axis without limit
I have defined a u-axis (M584 X0 Y1 Z2 U4 E3) which works perfect. The problem now is, that I need "infinite" rotation on this axis. This means I don't want to have an upper limit. Even I define only limits with M208 for x, y and z, the u-axis still stops at 250. I also don't want to disable the limits with M564.
Is there any possibility to use an axis without a limit and have a limit for the other axis?Thank you.
RE: Random stop when PC is connected
And something else: is "a software reset" the same as a restart? Or do I have to do something special for a software reset?
RE: Random stop when PC is connected
Thank you for your quick answer. Unfortunately I think, that the Duet restarts itself. When you look at the logfile it says:
2019-07-08 12:55:22 Started printing file TopfOverhangTest_0.5mm_schnell_nowand.gcode
power up + 00:00:00 Event logging started
power up + 00:00:01 Error: M557: bad grid definition: X range too small
power up + 00:00:02 Network running, IP address = "power up" not mean, that it restarts?
Anyway. I will try to catch the next shutdown and look, if M122 will help.
Regards. Michael
Random stop when PC is connected
Since one week we have a problem with our Duet 2 Ethernet, that we did not notice before.
Our prints suddenly stop, the bed moves down and the connected PC tells me on the website, that the connection is lost. The behavior of the Duet looks the same, as if I press "emergency stop". As I said, the stop always occurred at random places. The only thing, that seems to be reproducable is, that it only happens, if a pc is connected. When there is no PC connected, it prints to the end.
Also the log file does not really help:
Logfile of print, that stopped:
2019-07-08 12:55:22 Started printing file TopfOverhangTest_0.5mm_schnell_nowand.gcode
power up + 00:00:00 Event logging started
power up + 00:00:01 Error: M557: bad grid definition: X range too small
power up + 00:00:02 Network running, IP address =
power up + 00:18:20 HTTP client login succeeded
2019-07-08 13:52:52 Date and time set at power up + 00:18:20Logfile of successful print:
2019-07-09 10:56:41 Started printing file TopfOverhangTest_119_steil.gcode
2019-07-09 12:17:34 Finished printing file TopfOverhangTest_119_steil.gcode, print time was 1h 21mSince there is no entry in the logfile, I assume, that there is a system crash.
Any help available?
Thank you. Michael