Hi all,
I am trying to convert a self build delta-printer into a Delta printer with a moving print bed in-z. The goal is, to use the machine as a custom- 3d printer, like a big powder printer. Therefore I need to oversize the print-bed, due to its weight.
I am working with a Duet3 Hc36, the Delta-Arms are moved by 3xNema23 connected to a external high-current stepper driver. The Print bed is planned to be moved via 3xNema23 stepper and 3 separate high current stepper drivers, each with its own max. endstops. Summarising, the delta printer always prints xy at the same height, and moving into the next layer is done by the print bed. (Similar to a powder printer)
Here my question:
Has this been done before? I couldn't find any discussion related to it.
regarding hardware: What kind of extension do I need, is the duet3Expansion3HC what I am looking for ? ( 3 Motors, 3xmax. Endstop, 1global min. Probe). Can someone give me a brief understanding of the wiring.
How can I assign this new z-axis in ( configtool.reprapfirmware.org/Motors ), or do I need to add en Extruder E1 and copy the Z-value to it? and also replace the actual Z-value via text edit.?
thank you in advance, for all the comments/ help
best, JAN