Configuring Pause/Resume in Single External Trigger M581
I am using duet wifi with Duet Expansion Breakout Board.
I want to put Three physical button for Emergency Stop, Pause, Resume.Now I have only Two I/O available to configure external trigger E0_STOP & E1_STOP in the board.
Now Can i configure Pause and Resume in Single Button ?
or else suggest the solution. -
E0_Stop is used Emergensy STOP (T0)
E1_Stop is used for Pause (T1)for Resume i want to configure trigger.g but there is no I/O available.
you do have e2-e6 stop available on the expansion header or you could purchase a Duex
see the wiring diag
I am using Duet Expansion Breakout Board so Expansion headers are occupied, so is there any other way without buying Duex ?
something like if I push a Button, that triggers a trigger2.g
trigger2.g contains followingif machining is running then this trigger do stop the machine,
& if Machine is in pause condition then the same trigger do resume the machine ? -
You can redefine the trigger with the g-code in the trigger, and you can use start.g etc to set new triggers based on status.
In the next version of reprap firmware you can do conditional g-code which will make such things simpler