M587 SSID contains "-" character
i struggle setting up an wifi Connection as the SSID name contains an -.
I am using linux to get the serial connection. When testing without the -, the connection is saved.When i send:
M587 S"mainframe-legacy" P"WIFIpassword"
(there is no SPACE in SSID, only CODE-Tag adds it... Wifi name is mainframe-legacy)
it returns:
M587: Bad or missing parameter ok Can you help me to escape the - please?
Thanks in advance, hurr1k4ne
@hurr1k4ne said in M587 SSID contains "-" character:
M587 S"mainframe-legacy" P"WIFIpassword"
That command (copied from your post and pasted) works for me, sent from YAT under Windows. Could it be that your Linux terminal program is modifying the command? Which firmware version do you have on the Duet?
One of the SSIDs that I have used for the last several years also has a "-" character in it.
Check that your terminal program is not replacing dumb quotes by smart quotes. Although it's usually only word processors that do that.
@hurr1k4ne said in M587 SSID contains "-" character:
M587 S"mainframe-legacy" P"WIFIpassword"
Hyphens should be an allowed character. I've quickly tested this, using your exact command from above, and it accepts it. Sending M587 to list networks, I get:
M587 Remembered networks: VM596525-2G IP= GW= NM= mainframe-legacy IP= GW= NM= Is it possible you're sending an em or en rule rather than a hyphen? Google responses for 'SSID ESP8266 hyphen' throws up a couple of people having this problem, but nothing obvious.
If that doesn't help, please post the output from M115 command (firmware version, Duet version). I'm on 2.04RC1:
M115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.04RC1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 or 1.01 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-07-14b1 Ian
wow... i tested screen, moserial, putty, picocom and other terminals on linux...
even YAT on wine.everywhere the same problem.
When using a "native" windows Laptop and YAT i can save the network.
M587 S"mainframe-legacy" P"WIFIpass" ok M587 Remembered networks: mainframe-legacy IP= GW= NM= Thank you!
Using xev, I see keysym 0x2d (minus) when I type '-' which is located to the right of the '0' key and I get keysym 0xffad (KP_Subtract) when I use the keypad '-'. Both work the same on the command line, e.g. ls -l can be typed using either of those - keys but maybe terminal programs don't work the same.
Uff... Interesting... I think i found the Problem.
I connected with following Serial parameters:
115200 baud, 7, even, 1, hardware flow controlThe Connection works and i get readable answers and commands work.
But not the M587 containing a hypen.When connecting with parameters like YAT on windows uses, the command works.
Used: 9600baud, 8,None, 1, no flow control) -
@hurr1k4ne said in M587 SSID contains "-" character:
115200 baud, 7, even, 1, hardware flow control
Yes, that's the problem. Like most modern programs, RRF recognises Unicode UTF8 encoding. If your terminal is set to 7 bits+parity, characters with the parity bit set will be interpreted in UTF8.