Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
Thanks, but gives me same error about missing "Duet3iap_spi_MB6HC.bin"
Please try with https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/releases/download/3.0RC2/Duet3_SDiap_MB6HC.bin uploaded to the /sys folder on the SD card of your Duet3.
Nop, still same. In case you have similar Pi setup, can you see if you can find "Duet3iap_spi_MB6HC.bin" file?
have you updated the image/version of the system on the pi?
AFAIK It needs to be at least 1.2.x.x
I am pretty sure I am up to date with my Pi 4. The file(s) I am missing either came on sd with my Duet3 or were supposed to be generated/installed with an update to my current 3.0beta12+1 version.
@Minion if you run a M122 the resulting info will include the DSF Version info
I'm having issues with this too. I think the documentation is lacking. I don't believe uploading stuff like new firmware applies to us anymore.
The documentation on github states:
You should also upload the new IAP file for your system. You will need it when upgrading firmware in future. These files are called Duet2CombinedIAP.bin, DuetMaestroIAP.bin, Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin (for Duet 3+SBC)
For the Duet and PI combination, you would believe that we should use Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin
But it's not one of the files in the releases.I had been told that the updated firmware is installed when you update the duetsoftwareframework package on the pi using the unstable branch on the package server (since it is RC)
Which did successfully update to the most current at the time, which was 3.0RC1
But now that RC2 is out, I'd like to update to it and when I go to update duetsoftwareframework it states it's already up to date.
I'd like cleared documentation on how to actually upgrade the firmware on a Duet+SBC machine.
For your issues, to get you a little closer,
SSH into your pi and and run these to get the unstable repository
wget -q https://pkg.duet3d.com/duet3d.gpg wget -q https://pkg.duet3d.com/duet3d-unstable.list sudo mv duet3d.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ sudo mv duet3d-unstable.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/duet3d.gpg sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list Then do
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework Edit: in your original post
Instead of doing it via the web interface, maybe put it into that location on the pi directly?
@blt3dp To update to RC2 all you have to do is download the firmware page and then drag and drop it to the upload system files button on dwc!
Thanks to @Dougal1957 and @blt3dp pointing me at right direction - updated DSF to
So now uploading "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin" as system file starts update without errors. However, after installation it still shows that Firmware is : RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12+1 (2019-11-11b1)
What am I missing here?
Glad I helped, this is where I'm seeing the disconnect. When I upgraded the duetsoftwareframework, it updated me to 3.0RC1
Interesting it didn't for you, I wonder if I did something else that updated the firmware.
How about if you do
apt-get upgrade reprapfirmware
did that, I get:
reprapfirmware is already the newest version (
@blt3dp IIRC DC did say to hold off doing the RC1 upgrade until DSF1.2.x.x was released and it would upgrade AIO but that was I think mainly so that the IAP Fit was put in the correct place. RC2 uses the same file so can be installed as per the old method
@Dougal1957 said in Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues:
@blt3dp IIRC DC did say to hold off doing the RC1 upgrade until DSF1.2.x.x was released and it would upgrade AIO but that was I think mainly so that the IAP Fit was put in the correct place. RC2 uses the same file so can be installed as per the old method
Which coincides with the documentation
Before you can update DSF, it is important to install the latest RepRapFirmware version first. If you are using recent DCS (>= and RRF versions, you can put the updated Duet3Firmware.bin file in the /sys directory and run "M997". This will trigger a firmware update. For convenience, you can simply upload Duet3Firmware.bin on the System page of DWC2 and confirm the update. But it didn't appear to work:
@Minion said in Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues:
So now uploading "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin" as system file starts update without errors. However, after installation it still shows that Firmware is : RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12+1 (2019-11-11b1)
What am I missing here?
@blt3dp I found this which may be your issue.
4th post in this thread https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/13381/reprapfirmware-3-0rc1-released/3 refers
@Dougal1957 said in Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues:
@blt3dp I found this which may be your issue.
4th post in this thread https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/13381/reprapfirmware-3-0rc1-released/3 refers
I've got DSF installed.
(1) Be sure your Pi is on the beta feed.
(2) Do full upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -
(3) Maybe need to do specific upgraded for DSF. Maybe. Check version. If needed
sudo apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework -
(4) Should be able to m997 and get to RC1
(5) Should now be able to use Web System upload to get to RC2.
KEY is beta feed and update Pi.
Looks like @chrishamm just updated the packages on the unstable, I was able to get to 3.0RC2 by running:
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework -
@blt3dp it may be worth running a M997 you may find it updates to RC2+1
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework seemed to be working for most part, until I got error:
Setting up duetcontrolserver ( ... Setting up duettools ( ... Setting up reprapfirmware ( ... [error] Failed to connect to Duet System.IO.IOException: Error 16. Cannot put line into event mode. at LinuxDevices.InputGpioPin..ctor(String devNode, Int32 pin, String consumerLabel) in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/LinuxDevices/InputGpioPin.cs:line 60 at DuetControlServer.SPI.DataTransfer.Init() in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/DataTransfer.cs:line 65 at DuetControlServer.SPI.Interface.Init() in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/Interface.cs:line 65 at DuetControlServer.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/Program.cs:line 92 then did
apt reinstall reprapfirmware and while
Setting up reprapfirmware ( ...
no errors occured. So now I have:
RRF: M997, said updating + restarts. M122 says I am still on "RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12+1 (2019-11-11b1) ".
Uploading "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin" for either RC1 or RC2 as system file initializes update, restarts + M997 ....aaaand still says I am on 3.0beta12+1.
Whats up with that?
@Danal, if I am getting the "unstable" versions of DSF+RRF via apt-get upgrades means I am on "beta" feed, right?
@Minion said in Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues:
, if I am getting the "unstable" versions of DSF+RRF via apt-get upgrades means I am on "beta" feed, right?
yeah, if you added the unstable apt source you'll get the beta