chrishamm replied via DSF issue board confirming that M26 is buggy and will be fixed in next release.

Best posts made by Minion
RE: M26 not working
Latest posts made by Minion
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
Well, thanks everybody for your input - finally got my stuck RRF version upgraded properly with the help of BOSSA. Went for the 3.0 stable btw.
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
@Danal I am about to give up trying to find a workaround with M997. Will try with bossa/bossac soon and report here how it went. Ty for your suggestion and guide.
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
@blt3dp now M997 finishes without errors, but still end up with same "3.0beta12+1".
Everything else seems to be updating without problems via apt-get update/upgrade.
Here's the list of files in my /sys/, maybe one of you can spot I am missing something or there's anything which doesn't belong there:
. config.g Duet3Bootloader_EXP.bin Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin Duet3iap_spi_MB6HC.bin Duet3_SBCiap_MBP05.bin filaments.csv homey.g pause.g stop.g tpre0.g .. config.json Duet3Bootloader_TOOL.bin Duet3Firmware_MBP05.bin Duet3iap_spi_MBP05.bin Duet3_SDiap_MB6HC.bin homeall.g homez.g resume.g tfree0.g bed.g configOld.g Duet3Firmware_EXP3HC.bin Duet3iap_sd_MB6HC.bin Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin dwc2settings.json homex.g iap4e.bin sleep.g tpost0.g
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
@dc42 got both IAP files in sys.
Now, while calling M997 to update, I actually get an error:
Error: Failed to create directory 0:/sys Error: Failed to create folder 0:/sys while trying to open file 0:/sys/filaments.csv
Ideas anyone?
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
@jay_s_uk I'll start reading on how to do that, ty
@deckingman tried that, still same.Ok, got some extra info I failed to mention which may be of relevance: I have two expansion boards attached to my duet. Those I managed to update to 3.0RC2 2019-12-28b4 - (that's what I get if I sent M115 B1 / M115 B2).
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
Well in that case I am confused about what am I doing wrong. Very open to suggestions
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework
seemed to be working for most part, until I got error:
Setting up duetcontrolserver ( ... Setting up duettools ( ... Setting up reprapfirmware ( ... [error] Failed to connect to Duet   System.IO.IOException: Error 16. Cannot put line into event mode.   at LinuxDevices.InputGpioPin..ctor(String devNode, Int32 pin, String consumerLabel) in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/LinuxDevices/InputGpioPin.cs:line 60   at DuetControlServer.SPI.DataTransfer.Init() in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/DataTransfer.cs:line 65   at DuetControlServer.SPI.Interface.Init() in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/SPI/Interface.cs:line 65   at DuetControlServer.Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/christian/duet/DuetSoftwareFramework/src/DuetControlServer/Program.cs:line 92
then did
apt reinstall reprapfirmware
and while
Setting up reprapfirmware ( ...
no errors occured. So now I have:
RRF: M997, said updating + restarts. M122 says I am still on "RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12+1 (2019-11-11b1) ".
Uploading "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin" for either RC1 or RC2 as system file initializes update, restarts + M997 ....aaaand still says I am on 3.0beta12+1.
Whats up with that?
@Danal, if I am getting the "unstable" versions of DSF+RRF via apt-get upgrades means I am on "beta" feed, right?
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
did that, I get:
reprapfirmware is already the newest version (
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
Thanks to @Dougal1957 and @blt3dp pointing me at right direction - updated DSF to
So now uploading "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin" as system file starts update without errors. However, after installation it still shows that Firmware is : RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12+1 (2019-11-11b1)
What am I missing here?
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
I am pretty sure I am up to date with my Pi 4. The file(s) I am missing either came on sd with my Duet3 or were supposed to be generated/installed with an update to my current 3.0beta12+1 version.