Thermostatic fan control and frequency
I have the e3d clear 24v fans on my cold sections and I want them thermo controlled. I can't seem to find a setting to allow them to run at anything other than full speed. If I set a range, I just hear subtle clicking sounds or , whu, whu, whu, whu .... silence, as the fan tries to turn at anything less than full speed. Any ideas?
The voltage jumper is set correctly, at VIN.
I should also mention, when I just control them via slider, same behavior. Can't get anything but full power.
@SIam yeah, i'm trying to find a frequency
have you try 100 and lower ?
@SIam tyring...
@SIam tried everything in reasonable steps between 10Hz and 25kHz
then you have probably caught fans that can not cope with pwm.
@SIam yeah
I have found previously that the 30mm fans supplied with E3D V6 hot ends don't work at all with PWM. The fans seem to have some logic built in that doesn't start them until the supply has been stable for a few tens of milliseconds. I haven't tried the larger fan used on the Aero.
@dc42 ah, yes, that's it. Thanks. the 40mm seems to work fine.