Flying extruder with 4th axis
See Your config.g command doesn't have the M669 command.
Hi there
Thanks for the help, i saw i had some errors so i changed them and the new axis seems to work fine even with lateral compensations, But i still have to fix one last thing so the printer can start printing, and this is the Z probe situation. I feel a bit confused with this thing in the firmware 3.0.
Being a delta printer has 3 axis ( X,Y,Z) and then it has an effector with a mecanical switch on it similar to the atom delta 3d printer.
The new axis(U) endstop is conected to E0 endstop pin, and the effector´s Z probe is conected to E1 endstop pin.
Here i put my config file and bed file.config(2).g bed.gAfter finishing the entire configuration i will post the finished config file so others can use it
thanks -
As you are running RRF3 I suggest you change your M558 command to this:
M558 P5 C"e1stop" H5 F1200 T6000 ; set Z probe type to effector and the dive height + speeds
Use either P5 (filtered) or P8 (unfiltered). The command as shown is for a normally-close switch. If your switch is normally open (not recommended) then use C"!e1stop" instead.
Hi there
thanks for all the help, the printer looks that works fine, now time to create some macro´s etc.
For those who want to replicate this setup i will leave here my config file so you can copy.
It is currently running on a duet wifi and firmware 3.0
config (2).g -
Hello everyone
The 4th axis delta is running but i noticed an issue and i don´t know how to solve it.
To put everyone in context, we are running a delta printer on a duet wifi using firmware 3.0. the printer has an aditional axis for the flying extruder (see picture).
The issue is that the non printing moving speed is very low, i can increase the speed in simplify 3d up to 400mm/s (currently set at 200mm/s), and you notice no difference.
Even homing speed is very slow, and i noticed that if i push the endstop of the aditional tower by hand when homing, the rest of the motors speed up inmediately, so i looks like it is related to the aditional axis.
i will put the config file and homing file so you can please give me a hand.
Thanksconfig (3).ghomedelta.g
I don't see your config.g file.
I suggest you change your homedelta.g file as follows:
; homedelta.g ; called to home all towers on a delta printer ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2.1.8 on Thu Feb 27 2020 08:16:33 GMT+0100 (hora estándar de Europa central) G91 ; relative positioning M584 P4 G1 H1 X833 Y833 Z833 U833 F5000 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops (first pass) G1 H2 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 U-5 F4800 ; go down a few mm G1 H1 X10 Y10 Z10 U10 F360 ; move all towers up once more (second pass) M584 P3 G1 Z-5 F600 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X0 Y0 F6000 ; move X+Y to the centre
Added M584 P3 line, and removed the U parameter from the following G1 command.
I don´t know why but the config file was on the right of the picture i sent.
i just removed the U parameters in the home section, and the u axis doesn´t go back home anymore
config (3).g -
@ander said in Flying extruder with 4th axis:
i just removed the U parameters in the home section, and the u axis doesn´t go back home anymore
That isn't what I suggested. Read my reply again.
Sorry i missunderstood. i made the change you suggested and still makes non printing moves very slow
We do not advise running at x256 microstepping. Change to x16 with interpolation, adjust the M92 steps/mm accordingly, and try again.
It worked very well!
Thanks for the excelent service!!