Duet Wifi at 15V with 12V Fan and Heater?
i use a Duet Wifi with actually 12V.
But this power source is getting old and I should replace it.Now I have from another hobby an 15V 350W power adapter.
It should be possible to use this Power adapter with my actual setup with 12V Fans and heater
if I change the maximum PWM to 80%.
That should give me the same effective voltage for the heater and the fans.Did somebody try that?
Stefan -
It would work fine with heaters, not so sure about the fans as they will still see 15v peaks. It may well work, for a while.
You'd be better off using a dc/dc converter to drop the voltage for the fans.
Edit; I might not bother dropping the duty cycle for the heaters if the wiring and connectors can handle it; just re-tune the heaters for the new voltage. You'll get the same warning about over powered heaters anyway, i.e. it won't be any safer, only slower.
You will be just fine with the increased voltage and as bearer says, re-tune the heaters. You will however find that you might need to change the duty cycle to 60% as power = current * voltage squared.
To reduce the fan voltage back to 12V, you could remove the VFAN jumper and replace it with 3 silicon diodes connected in series, between the VIN pin of that jumper block and the centre pin. Keep clear of the 5V pin!
Ok, thanks for your answers.
I will try that