My Deltex || A Large-ish Format Delta Printer || Build log
Update: completed sections
July 2019 - Bed upgrade
January 2020 - Epoxy Granite Machine Base -
Update: finally got this post more or less updated to current time, enjoy the read
I am also pleased to announce a Deltex V2 which is just about confirmed to be coming. It will not be a 3rd printer as it will reuse the majority of the existing frame and other components. Some changes that are currently planned:
- Linear rail upgrade from Robotdigg MGN12's to original THK SRS series rails.
- Optimization of rail placement should increase build height ~10-20 cm.
- A sound and temperature insulation enclosure.
- The existing fourth axis with v-slot rail with be swapped for the old MGN12 rails. Furthermore, the 4th axis mounting points will be incorporated into the enclosure.
- Water cooling components might be moved to be stationary on the outside of the enclosure walls.
- New way of mounting the steppers/belt idlers to relieve stress from the stepper bearing at higher belt tensions.
- Existing printed corner brackets in the frame will be replaced by metal brackets.
- Possibly the introduction of even more metal parts as replacement for current plastics.
Update: Finished writing the final piece of the Deltex V1 build log. Currently designs are being drawn and parts are on order for the V2, exiting time for sure.
Updated again: added the section about the noise issues I have been having and some picture