Chip burned... I need a new one :(
Hello Duet community,
I received the IR sensor yesterday and wired and installed it according to the instructions.
Unfortunately a very stupid mistake happened to me and I swapped 2 cables.
When I was in USB mode, it started to smell ... now I need a new chip (Atmel1737).Dear David ... how do I get a new chip to exchange it?
Sorry for the English... i use Google Translate
Thanks for your Help !!!
The part number is ATTINY25-20SSx where the final letter x can be any of U, N or H. It will need to be programmed after installation.
I don't have the hardware to program where the chip is inserted. I wouldn't have the software either.
It would then be cheaper for me to buy a new IR sensor right away.
Are there no pre-programmed chips to buy?
@Günter-Jibben said in Chip burned... I need a new one
I don't have the hardware to program where the chip is inserted. I wouldn't have the software either.
you can use a lot of non-standard stuff for the programming. an arduino, an esp8266, a raspberry pi, a buspirate or ftdi ft232r/h cable if you have any of those (and probably more). software is free.
you can usually buy preprogrammed chips, but the minimum order quantities are probably in the thousands.
That sounds good.
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 for the camera on my printer.
I have never programmed an AT before, so it would be the first time.
A new area for me.I wonder ... where do I get the right code for the IR sensor that I have to flash on the ATtiny?
Thanks for your time and help !!!
@Günter-Jibben said in Chip burned... I need a new one
right code
looks like you'll need Atmel Studio 6.0 and if not maybe dc42 will correct me
(edit: i thought atmel studio was compatible with avr-gcc to build on the pi ... but either it isn't or the compatability issue is in front of the keyboard. in any case, give atmel studio a try, it was free last time i used it at least)
I can provide the .elf file or .hex file needed by the programming tool, so you won't need to build it yourself. If you do want to build it, Atmel Studio 7 is a free download.
(avrdude which is the free tool common for all the alternative solutions i listed takes intel hex)
I have a new unused one that you can have cheap, what's your location?
Posting the file is a good idea.
It will certainly be interesting or useful for other users.
Thank you David for doing this.
Thumbs up for that!@boldnuts
I would like to accept the offer.
I have already ordered one Attiny or two ... one for safety, if something goes wrong with the flashing.But since I have to learn that with the flashing of the AT chip, and I may not have the time to do so in the near future, a 100% functional IR sensor would be a better choice.
I will definitely repair my defective IR sensor.
It works ... but only goes up to ~ 470 so I use parameter P460 in the G31 line.
The measurement results of the IR sensor fluctuate a lot.
For a short time, the IR sensor delivered results of over 800 so that I could use P500, and in time the measurement results were as I wanted them to be.
After switching the printer off and on again, the values ​​were again around 470.My location is the North Sea coast of Germany.
My email address, which I briefly created for this process, is
I would be very happy if you would write to me to clarify the sales and shipping.
If you speak German, then I would be happy if we communicate in German, because I don't speak English very well and therefore have to use Google Translate.I thank you all for your time and help.
It's great that Duet is not only such great hardware, but also that the community is so strong.
I am always happy------------------- Original Text befor Google Translate
Das bereitstellen der Datei ist eine gute Idee.
Es wird bestimmt auch für andere User interessant bzw nützlich sein.
Vielen Dank David dass Du das machst.
Daumen hoch dafür !@boldnuts
Das Angebot würde ich gerne annehmen.
Ich habe zwar schon einen Attiny bestellt bzw zwei... einen zur Sicherheit, falls beim flashen etwas schief geht.Aber da ich dass mit dem Flashen des AT-Chip erst erlernen muss, und mir dazu eventuell in naher Zukunft die Zeit fehlt, wäre ein 100% funktionsfähiger IR-Sensor ersteinmal die bessere Wahl.
Ich werde aber meinen defekten IR-Sensor auf jeden Fall reparieren.
Er funktioniert zwar... geht aber nur bis ~470 so dass ich den Parameter P460 in der G31 Zeile nutze.
Die Messergebnisse des IR-Sensor's schwanken aber sehr.
Für kurze Zeit lieferte der IR-Sensor Ergebnisse von über 800 so dass ich P500 nutzen konnte, und in der Zeit waren die Messergebnisse so wie ich sie mir wünsche.
Nach einem Ausschalten und Anschaltes des Druckers waren die Werte wieder um 470 herum.Mein Standort ist die Nordseeküste von Deutschland.
Meine E-Mail Adresse, die ich für diesen Vorgang kurzzeitig erstellt habe, lautet
Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn Du mich anschreiben würdest um den Verkauf und Versand zu klären.
Wenn Du Deutsch sprichst, dann würde es mich freuen wenn wir uns auf Deutsch verständigen, denn Englisch beherrsche ich nicht so gut und muss dafür Google-Translate nutzen.Ich danke Euch allen für eure Zeit und Hilfe.
Toll das Duet nicht nur so eine super Hardware ist, sondern auch die Gemeinschaft so stark ist.
Es freut mich immer wieder -
@Günter-Jibben, I could send you some pre-programmed ones recovered from out-of-tolerance IR sensors for the cost of the postage from UK.
I think that's awesome.
since it will only be a letter and not a package, the shipping costs should not be that high.
If you write to me, I can give you my address.Please tell me how much the costs will be so that I can transfer them to you via PayPal.
Thank you very much for this action.
--------------- German Original Text -----------------
Das finde ich klasse.
da es ja nur ein Brief und kein Paket wird, sollten die Versandkosten auch nicht so hoch sein.
Wenn Du mich anschreibst, kann ich Dir meine Adresse mitteilen.Teile mir dann bitte mit wie hoch die Kosten sein werden damit ich sie Dir per PayPal überweisen kann.
Vielen lieben Dank für diese Aktion.
Pleace contact me for checkout
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