Show E0 thermistor & bed/hotend pt100
I use pt100 for bed and e0 but I want to see the temperature of a NTC3950
Ofc I can make it work setting it as P0 or P1 but that hides the bed or the e0 temperature.
What I want it’s to see on the control the e0 (doing temperature analysis of a new hotend heatsink).
M305 P0 X200 R400
M305 P1 X201 R400M305 P2 T100000 B3950 R4700 X1 ;?
If I do this why I can’t see it as a new sensor? It’s because there’s no heater connected to this P2? How can I make it show it to me on the panel? I did google and check the wiki but didn’t found a way to force it. Thanks for your time!! (if I set thr P2 as P0/P1 I can see it but as said before I want to keep the pt100 bed heater on while testing the readings)
Where is your NTC3950 connected to? If to E1 temp connector, then your M305 P2 ...line should work if you take off X1 parameter from it.
Fixed it. Was as simple as adding the tool 2 on the duetpanelcontrol. It disappears after a reset but now I can see the temperature of the sensor without problems