Look at https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware/releases . It starts with "Choosing the correct firmware binary" .

Best posts made by aidar
RE: Panel duet not working
RE: Core XY doesn't back off Z-stop when homing
Well, looks like you have kind of mess with your files. So, as i understand you have 3 series firmware. That means your command do define coreXY mode is wrong. It should be M669 K1, not M667 command.
In config you define your axis minima as 0 and maxima as 304. You also define, that your Z endstop is in minima, low end. However you send your bed away from nozzle and endstop in your homez file and the amount is 205, so it cant reach 304 if it was close to nozzle. In homeall it is with right sign, but again, -205. So i assume your z max is 204, not 304. In homeall you send it in right direction, but you have not included commands to back off a little and do another slower approach . -
RE: Chamber heater - First reach Temperature then Bang-Bang
If you want to use bang-bang mode instead if PID, then you activate it with M307 command, not M301. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M307_Set_or_report_heating_process_parameters
RE: PanelDue 7i Firmware
Picture seems ok to me. Values will change when its connected to working printer (duet). Number of extruder depends on how many you have in your config.g file on duet. So all seems ok. Just make sure you connect it correctly. https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_an_LCD_control_panel#Section_Connecting_a_PanelDue
RE: Unable to control part cooling fan from PanelDue
My understanding is, and i can be wrong of course, that paneldue dont know about fans remapping, thats why i reccomended to use fan0 as part cooling fan and fan1 as hotend fan.
RE: Bltouch with new firmware
I can not see where is yellow wire connected to. In deplayprobe and retractprobe files you define it to be connected to heater7, however in your config you disabled heater3 and heater4 for it. And servo signal wire (yellow one) is not connected to either of them. I see black wire connected to heater3 pin, if it is yellow servo wire extension, then you should change deployprobe and retractprobe files .So they will be:
M280 P3 S10 I1
M280 P3 S90 I1 -
RE: mestro and hotbed
From spec Maestro can handle 18A for bed. It doesnt matter if its 12V or 24V, amps are allways amps. Different is how powerfull bed you can run directly from board, so 12V x 18A = 216W, 24V x 18A = 432W. So, if you use 24V and your bed is near 400W or more, i would recommend run it via external mosfet or SSR.
RE: Tool Fan not working properly
Your config seems ok to me. Until you dont have something fancy in your config_override file it should work, If it doesnt i reccomend to check fan itself - connect it directly to psu to make sure it works. Then check all connections, specially F0 connector pins for bad solder. If fan works ok on other fan connectors and F0 connactor seems to be ok also but fan doesnt work on F0, then probably F0 mosfet is damaged.
RE: Fan controll mismatch
Besides recomendation that jay_s_uk gave you, your tool fan definition is wrong. Tool fan is part cooling (filament in your case) fan, so your M563 command should incluse F2 instead of F1. Tool fan slider will be always visible and controls active tool fan. As you have only one tool, tool fan and filament fan are same for you.
RE: Z probe already triggered (with I0 and I1)
From wiki - Invert the input by prefixing the input pin (C parameter) with ! character, when using an NPN output inductive or capacitive sensor or using an NO switch (not recommended, use a NC switch instead).
I1 parameter does not work for firmware 3.x, so try M558 P5 C"!zprobe.in" H5 F120 T6000
Latest posts made by aidar
RE: PanelDue start print
On PanelDue, there is icon with SD card image. Click on it, and you will see everithing you have in "jobs". Click on filename and there are buttons "Simulate", "Print" and something else also, cant remember right now. So Click on "Print" and there you go...
RE: Driver temperature display
Drivers does not show temperature. They gives warning if temperature of driver is about 100 C and shut down when temperature is about 150 C. So until that is always shows 0. -
RE: Heater fault on heater 0
Your temp limit for bed heater is 80. So when you set its temp to 80, its probably overshoots it by 1-2c and gives you fault or at leat warning message. If you want to heat your bed to 80, rise max limit of it by lets say 10C and all should be fine.
Also let as know what firmware version are you using, from console send M115 and post result here. -
RE: Jumper? Where are you?
Those two you marked on picture are not jumpers, they are fuses. To have 24v fans working, your PSU must be 24v, then you select jumpers witch ones are above outputs 4-6 and/or 7-9 to connect V-fused and VOUTLC1. Assuming your fans are connected to out 4-9 somewhere
RE: Jumper? Where are you?
First of all, what board are you talking about?
RE: Pt100 sensor settings Problem
@Inno-3D said in Pt100 sensor settings Problem:
M308 S0 P"spi.cs1" Y"rtd-max31865"
Also try spi.cs0 instead of cs1, assuming your PT100 sensor is connected to first port of daughterboard.
RE: Duet 3 pt100 daughter board and thermistor not sensing temp
@1997alex said in Duet 3 pt100 daughter board and thermistor not sensing temp:
E3d thermistor
By thermistor you mean thermistor or PT100 sensor? Regular thermistor will not work with PT100 daughterboard, you need PT100 sensor, like this one https://e3d-online.com/collections/printer-parts-electrical/products/pt100-temperature-sensor
RE: Z probe already triggered (with I0 and I1)
You welcome, but for future reference the icon that looks like book on top of your screen (Duet3d documentation) makes you a wizard as well, if you read it.
RE: Z probe already triggered (with I0 and I1)
From wiki - Invert the input by prefixing the input pin (C parameter) with ! character, when using an NPN output inductive or capacitive sensor or using an NO switch (not recommended, use a NC switch instead).
I1 parameter does not work for firmware 3.x, so try M558 P5 C"!zprobe.in" H5 F120 T6000