Can't connect via wifi
While mid print, my wifi connection to the Duet disconnected. I was unable to reconnect even after turning off and starting the wifi module via the PanelDue. When I start the machine, the blue wifi LED blinks very briefly then goes out.
I reinstalled the firmware for the DuetWifi itself, Wifi server, and web control. I've reset the Wifi with M552 S-1.
When I connect via the Machine control in Simplify 3D, I get:
"Wifi reported error: no known networks found"
"Wfif module is idle"
When I issue M587 S"" P"" (with my info), I get:
"M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list"
Followed shortly by:
"Error Retrieving WIFI status message: Bad reply format Version"If I run a M588 with my network info, I get:
"M588: Failed to remember SSID to remembered list"I'm running Firmware 2.05.1
Dead Duck? Thoughts?
M552 S-1 M552 S0 G4 S1 M588 S"*"; forget all previous access point info M587 S"" P"" -
Yup, that got it. I had done all of that before in that order minus the G4 line. What did that do?
it just waits a second, not strictly needed if you're typing the commands, but is needed if you copy/paste to a terminal
Thanks. All is good now.