Duet 3 / D3 Expansion Board / Clear Path Servos / Raise Cloud
Hi Guys,
I am most of the way through a pretty large printer design.
I am now looking at the wiring side of it.The machine is using ballscrews on all axes with 2 servos on the z axis and 1 each for the X and Y axis. The servos are the Teknic Clearpath Servos.
I will be powering the servos through the Teknic IDC power supplies I looked at some of the comments made by @Edkirk on what he did.https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/8876/clearpath-servomotor-50nm-suggestion. In this build, a duet 2 was used in conjunction with the expansion board. On the expansion board, the I/O is six pin which matches the clear path setup and I know which way to wire it for that.
The issue is I would like to attempt to use the RaiseCloud solution from Raise3d, I am already very familiar with their environment and I quite like it. There is now a plug in for an RPI that works and I was looking at attempting to integrate this with the duet3, where I am becoming stuck is the wiring of the servos see the image below of the 8 pin wiring of the servo.
The image below is from @Edkirk wiring setup of his clear path servo to the duet 2 expansion board.
The issue that I am having at the moment, is how would this wire to the duet 3 expansion board? I cant use the duet 2 expansion board as it has a 50 pin cable where the duet 3 pin header is utilised by the SBC.
The Expansion board for the duet3 has 5 pins which is one less than the duet 2 expansion, I am just after a bit of guidance on where to get going. Any help would be appreciated and if more information is required, please let me know.Thanks for your time.
@Cherno-Alpha said in Duet 3 / D3 Expansion Board / Clear Path Servos / Raise Cloud:
I cant use the duet 2 expansion board as it has a 50 pin cable where the duet 3 pin header is utilised by the SBC.
The Duet 3 header doesn't have any expansion capability beyond the SPI bus used for the SBC.
Using external drivers with the Duet 3 is not currently supported. You could look at the schematics and try to tie into the step/dir signals of the onboard drivers but would require soldering and voided warranties. Probably better option to wait for adittional Duet3 products made to be used with external drivers or user the Duet2 for now.
Thanks for the reply. You pretty much answered my question. I will use the duet 2 for now and upgrade it to a duet 3 when the necessary duet 3 products are available. By chance you wouldn't be able to hazard a time frame on when something like that would be available for example 6,12,24 month timeframe? -
@Cherno-Alpha said in Duet 3 / D3 Expansion Board / Clear Path Servos / Raise Cloud:
By chance you wouldn't be able to hazard a time frame on when something like that would be available for example 6,12,24 month timeframe?
dc42 said in Duet 3 NEMA 23 Closed loop with Z axis also using Elec Brake:
For the future:
- We have prototype CAN-connected external stepper driver boards ordered, they should arrive soon
- We plan to make a "CNC version" of the Duet 3 main board supporting external stepper drivers
dc42 said in Duet 3 NEMA 23 Closed loop with Z axis also using Elec Brake:
Probably not until Q4 this year.