Problem with Duet 2 Wifi
Hi, we connected board by USB and 3v and 5v leds lights on, but 2 elements became hot.
(marked in the photo)
those are the 5v and 3.3v regulators; not sure if just lighting or both chips seems to have small holes/craters on them?
if there aren't other signs of damage on the board, odds are the problem is with the wiring on the printer having shorted somewhere
Yes, both regulators has a small holes.
@Hobby-Store as @bearer already mentioned the two regulators have been destroyed. This, combined with the blown fuses (I assume the F2 and F3 have blown since they are missing) indicated that VIN was fed into other parts of the wiring, fed back to the board and damaged it. As a minimum the regulators are blown but it it quite lightly that the other sensitive 3.3V components are damaged as well (processor, SD card, ESP if this is a wifi version).
@Hobby-Store can you please confirm which fuse(s) blew
Our client wrote one of them (F2 or F3) are blown. Do you need specifically information which fuse are blown?
@Hobby-Store Ideally, yes, find out which fuse has blown. F2 is the fan fuse, and a wiring fault with fan can cause this to blow. F3 is the fuse for stepper drivers and hot end heaters, again a blown fuse here is most likely due to wiring faults or failed components (eg heater cartridge pulling too much current).
FInally, we know. It was F3 fuse only.
Thanks, it looks like the A4403 regulator failed, taking the 3.3V regulator and the fuse with it. I approve a warranty replacement.
Ok, thanks for the help