I would like to install a webcam on my printer in order to follow my impressions ... Do you have a type of webcam to recommend and a link on configuration and installation (because I cannot find it)?
I have a Duet3D wifi card. (2)
Thank you .
@Rudy2A I use a Raspberry PI 0 W with a PI camera. The software used is from
I set its network name to picamera.
Webcam url set to http://picamera.local/html/cam_pic.php
When you click on the webcam image is set to http://picamera.local/html/ -
if you have an old android phone you can install the app ip webcam and turn it into a webcam for free.
ESP-32 CAM module.
Its fun, small and cheap. Programmed with Arduino ide.But beware you can’t rotate image in any settings, so mount accordingly.
I use an Android phone with a free camera app called Open Camera to snap pictures at specified intervals, usually about 1 minute. The photos are backed up to Google Photos as soon as they are made, and visible via any web browser, from anywhere. There are no ads, no subscription fees, and no limited resolution. The high resolution photos can be turned into high resolution time lapse video. I even came up with an easy way to make layer synchronized time-lapse video by adding a bluetooth remote shutter button for the phone camera. All the software is free.
The links below show how it works... don't really need video to check print progress, just a photo every minute or so.
@Stephen6309 said in WebCam:
@Rudy2A I use a Raspberry PI 0 W with a PI camera. The software used is from
I set its network name to picamera.
Webcam url set to http://picamera.local/html/cam_pic.php
When you click on the webcam image is set to http://picamera.local/html/I do the same but with MotionOS on the pi0W