Overheating Microcontroller/Dead board
 Here is an image of the board:
Can you try uploading your image again? It can take a moment to fully load.
When and where did you purchase the board?
See how far along you can get through this: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/What_to_do_if_your_Duet_won't_respond
@Phaedrux purchased in august through filastruder, and I went through all these steps3
do you have a different computer / usb cable you can try?
I would say there may be a chance that flashing the firmware could get it back on track, but if it's reporting the USB device as failing I think that's unlikely to happen.
I'll see if there are any other ideas on what to try.
Was there any potentially shorted wiring during the railcore assembly? Definitely double check for that since we wouldn't want to kill a replacement board if it comes to that.
Would you be able to connect VIN power only and see if the 5v LED lights up?
on vin power the board looks the same
The little dark spot on the microcontroller, under where the sticker were, is that just something visual or is it a bump/hole?
Please contact Filastruder and initiate a warranty exchange. Include a link to this thread as authorization.
@bearer just a visual artifact