How to Use connlcd.enca As a Trigger?
How can I map connlcd.enca/connlcd.4 as a trigger? I used
M950 J0 C"xstop"
, which worked, but I am already using xstop, ystop, zstop, e0stop, and e1stop for other purposes. The code I used was:
M950 J0 C"connlcd.enca" M581 P0 T0 S0
with a trigger0.g file:
M577 P0 S1 M112
I am also using the extension breakout board for additional drivers, so I am not sure I can use the stops on the expansion pins.
What firmware version are you using?
Your pin name looks OK I think based on the list here:
@dieguito said in How to Use connlcd.enca As a Trigger?:
I am also using the extension breakout board for additional drivers, so I am not sure I can use the stops on the expansion pins.
This I'm not sure about. Let me check.
I checked: "yes he can use connlcd, or he can use a ribbon cable with 3 connectors clamped on it"
@Phaedrux said in How to Use connlcd.enca As a Trigger?:
What firmware version are you using?
RRF 3.1
This I'm not sure about. Let me check.
I checked: "yes he can use connlcd, or he can use a ribbon cable with 3 connectors clamped on it"
What does this mean? I tried wiring the CONN pins, and they didn't work
What have you connected to the connlcd.enca pin? if it is a switch connected to ground then you will need to enable the pullup resistor by using "^connlcd.enca" as the pin name.
I am connecting two alarm signals (alm +/-) from two stepper drivers. The manufacturer recommends to connect a 1k pullup resistor to alm and connect the alm- to ground. The connections work when connected to the xstop/ystop pins on the duet wifi (without the suggested 1k pullup resistor recommended from the manufacturer), but they don't when connected to the conn enca/encb pins with or without the pullup resistor recommended from the manufacturer. I created two trigger files for both connections.
Are there other pins different from the ones on the expansion header or the normal xstop, etc, pins that I can connect these two alarm signals, and, if so, how would the duet handle them?
Thanks in advance
How did you connect the pullup resistor?
@dc42 said in How to Use connlcd.enca As a Trigger?:
How did you connect the pullup resistor?
As in the picture below. I repeated the same connection for the "^connlcd.encb" pin. The 5V and ground come from the CONN_SD header.
The pullup resistor should have been to +3.3V not +5V because the microcontroller is a 3.3V device.
I switched to the 3.3V pin. It still did not work. I had to shield the wires from noise. Some noise from the driver was invoking the triggers I was using. Thanks for the help!