figuring out Rostock Max v3 fan settings in RRF3
I upgraded my Rostock Max v3's Duet 2 Wifi to a recent firmware (3.2-RC2) in an attempt to fix some wifi connectivity reliability issues, and quickly realize it was necessary to do some major updates to my config.g in order to function on Reprap Firmware 3.
I got it working and set to making a bunch of prints. Then when doing some bridging test prints I realized that the hotend fan that blows on the newly-extruded filament to lower its temperature was not running at all, and its gcode seemed to be instead controlling the fan that blows into the heatsink of the hotend (which I'd normally have running constantly). Oops.
I took a look at my old config.g to see how the fans were set up, and the only line I saw that seemed to relate to fans was this one:
; Fans M106 P1 T45 H1 ; thermostatic mode for fan 1 That's it, that's all I could find. But on the printer there's both a cooling fan for the filament and a fan for the hotend itself, and they both used to function just fine without additional specification. Maybe the older firmware (I neglected to note the version number but it was a couple years old and was either in the v1 or v2 series) included assumptions about those two fans so they didn't need defining?
In my current config.g I've got the fan(s) set up as follows, my obviously incorrect attempt to translate the previous config.g's fan instructions into gcode for RRF3.x.
; Fans M950 F1 T1 C"fan1" M106 P1 C"Extruder" S1 H1 T45 Is it obvious to anyone what I need to do to get both of the fans on my hotend functioning as before? I'd guess this is something everyone upgrading to RRF3.0 has already managed to accomplish.
Thanks for any help or information.
The fan that blows directly on the extruder is meant to be thermostatically controlled.
The fan that blows on the printed part is usually controlled by settings in the slicer though I suppose you could control it from a slider in the DWC.
Here are the settings of a Duet 3 Mini 5 that I am testing:
M950 F0 C"out1" Q500 ; create fan 0 on pin out1 and set its frequency M106 P0 S0 H-1 C"part" ; set fan 0 speed - thermostatic control is off M950 F1 C"out2" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin out2 and set its frequency M106 P1 S1.0 H1 T45 C"extruder" ; set fan 1 speed - thermostatic control is on Now the C parameter in M950 uses the pin names for the Mini 5 - so those names are not correct for you.
The H parameter in M106 has to match the heater used. There is no heater for the part fan, thus the H-1. The heater for the extruder is heater 1, thus the H1,
On the Duet 2 WiFi boards by default fan 0 was for the part and fan 1 was for the extruder.
Naturally the actual fans would need to be connected to the correct connectors to yield the correct behavior.
Also, 3.2 final is out, no need for the RC2.