SBC Raspberry Pi Backup Configs
Is there a documentation page that describes how the Raspberry Pi communicates with the Duet3?
I would like to backup the configuration files using rsync on the Raspberry Pi to another computer on my network so I don't lose the configuration files. I'm making a lot of changes getting my CNC setup, and I'd like to have a history of changes.
What specifically are you wanting to backup? the configuration? The virtual SD card can be found at
Thanks @Phaedrux! that's just what I needed. I created a cronjob to run the following script every hour while I'm trying to get things running.
now=`date +'%F_%H.%M.%S'` host_address="username@host" filename="[backup file pathway]/$now/" #echo $now #echo $host_address #echo $filename ssh $host_address mkdir -p $filename rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/sys $host_address:$filename rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/macros $host_address:$filename
The script above requires automatic ssh login, a good link to set that up is here:
# m h dom mon dow command 0 * * * * bash /home/pi/Documents/