Hater bed led always on, e0 and e1 don't work!
Hi i have a duet3d wifi 1.04b model is a new build and i see the led of heater bed is always on and not cut, i try to extract the sd and is the same and i try conect my bed and get hot, then i try to start the hotend to see is work and get smoke on my cartridge i off it fast but now i try to start e0 or e1 heater and the led is always of, i know maybe the mosfet or bed is broke but why not works the other heaters right? And other question i have other board and i not use the e1 heater, if i take this 036n04l mosfet for the other board that's one work fine whiteout it? Sorry for my English. And is new build never use the board before but is old i buy in 2019 but i stop the project and start again now them i think not guaranty.. Thanks.
Just to confirm, the heater turns on even when the SD card is removed?
Can you show a photo of the wiring?
When and where exactly was it purchased?
@Phaedrux yes i try whiteout sd and is same problem the led is always on, i buy it in Spain to a reseller Héctor in telegram group but long time ago 2019 but i have a personal problem and stop the project and start again now . Look the all board nothing is burn (i look the 3 mosfet from bed, e0 and e1) and the fuses are good.
And picture: -
Is this the first time you've tested it? Did it every work?
@Phaedrux yes is the first time i now connecting and comfigurate it never try before, i think the order think work fine, i have panel due working, duet web, endstop, coolers just have problems whit heaters
If you had spare heater outputs you could use mosfets to power the heaters controlled by the fan headers.
@Phaedrux the problem is i have fan0 and fan1 to layer and the fan2 i got the fan heater e0 set to 45 degrees, i want to fix to normal use. But thanks for the idea
I try the mosfet whit a multimeter and yes the bed one is open, the e0 is not open but give me any numbers and e0 is completely colsed, i try to start e0 and e1 but not start and the led always in off just the bed one is on. Them i need change anymore? Or just two these mosfet? Thanks.
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying, but if you have the ability to change the mosfets you should change out any that aren't able to control the heater.
Ok i will change this mosfet and try again thanks for your reply!!