Faulty Duet2 WiFi/Duex5???
I've done some tests on the Duex5 board, and it seems there is an issue with the 12v side. When I change the fan voltage jumper to VIN, I get just under 24v over the fan pins, but when I set it to 12v, I get something like 7mV. Could I have blown something in the process of setting up the board?
Photos of the wiring? Did anything change recently?
did you check the firmware limitations to to verify that the heaters, therms and fans can get arranged between boards?
if i understand it rignt (not sure if i do) you have to have all the associated heater/fan/therms on the same board.
Thanks @Phaedrux & @sinned6915 for your comments. I have, however, found the issue, and it does appear I have fried my boards :(.
I used a little toolboard I found online (see pic), and although it worked for a few months, it appears that the 12v on the HE and Parts fan, is also connected to the HE heater on this little board, so is shorting. Although not immediately, I expect this has caused severe damage to both boards over time, which has now shown itself.
I guess you live and learn! Something I should've double checked prior to using this board!!
Yes the Duet switches PWM on the negative side, so you can share the power line, but not the ground lines.
what did you fry exactly ?
did you check the fuses? -
hey @hackinistrator, definitely the 12v side on the duex5. There are no blown fuses, but the 12v does not work at all anymore. I'm still checking the duet2, but there are a couple of headers that no longer works (1 x pwm fan & 1 x always on fan). Can maybe save some of the board and use on a smaller printer (maybe a board for my ender3)...
@jch what is "12V" ? is that your input voltage ?
you have 3 leds on the side of the board - Vin 3.3v and 5V , do all work ?
@hackinistrator the Duet2 board is still partly functional, although the two headers I mentioned is still not working, so trying to see what's up there.
I have found the issue on the Duex5 board, however. The 4403T regulator IC has blown, so I expect this is the cause of the Duex5 failure. I will see if I can get another IC and try a repair, but I expect if this regulator has gone, there are likely other components that's failed as well.
The 12v I mentioned relates to the Duex5 and the "Fan Voltage Select"
@hackinistrator I also now found the issue with the Duet2. I've got a failed component on the Fan0 Mosfet Control. Component TR5 has failed. Well, actually more than that. It's got a "big" chunk missing.
Maybe I can repair the two boards.......