3dsway Probe
I have purchased one of these probes and would like to know how to install/connect itKind Regards,
Additionally, would there be any elegent solution to connection a 5v solution to the board, i have connected my current 5v connector using the 5v header pin, looking for a more solid connection.
kind regards,
Those come stock with the HE3D printers. Mine and many others were junk out of the wrapper.
I would presume you connect it between 3.3v and signal on z probe connector. It's a force sensitive resistor so under no pressure it has high resistance and the signal wire gets little/no voltage. When pressed its resistance drops and the voltage rises.
So setup as for an fsr https://duet3d.com/wiki/Connecting_a_Z_probe#Force_sensitive_resistor.28s.29
Stick it under the nozzle and probe.
I imagine is a bit of pain to use I'd set a slow travel between probing points in M558 in case it falls off and you're probing with no sensor/crashing the nozzle.