Need homing of a fourth axis
Hi everybody
For a specification application, I need to home a new "axis" different from X, Y or Z.
This "axis" is driven by a stepper motor.
How can I declare this new axis and run homing on it ?
Thanks !
You would do it just the way you have done X or Y but use a different letter - you can use U V W A B or C.
If you need more info just let us know.
If you want, you can crib of the Cartesian IDEX documentation
Thank you for your answers.
I finally choosed to use an extruder to run my particular attempt.
I'm trying to extruder untill a change of input state but it do not work.
I know my input works.
I have to launch severall times the macro to get extruding stopped when input goes 1. A sort of manual while loop
Here is the macro code. Why my while loop do not work ?
M83 while sensors.gpIn[2].value = 0 G1 E0.001 F50
Thanks !
Rather than use it as an extruder, you could set it up as an infinite rotational axis instead in recent firmware.
See here:
Note you would need to use at least RRF 3.2.2 to get access to that.
To mark an axis as "homed" without actually homing it you can use G92 X0 for example to force the X axis to the 0 position. Substitute in whatever axis letter you want to use.
interesting, thanks !
I found the problem... finally a hardware issue !