No FTP Connection
Downloaded these
Copy over existing iap4e.bin from 1.18 stableRuns Update with error could not rename beta firmware names to normal Firmware names.
Now it wont connect to my AP anymore.
Wifi reported error: no known networks found WiFi module is idlewont also Shown as AP to reconfigure Wifi.
M552 S0 also shows no reaction.Where are the important upgrade notes to find?
Upgrade notes are included at For upgrading the Duet WiFi from 1.18 to 1.19 series firmware they link to
Did all listed in the Wiki link after sending M997 S0:1 he says Error in application programming binary "iap4e.bin" not found
copy old iap4e.bin updated started, trying if it works now again
Thx for help works again,only WiFi Connection takes long time.
FTP wont let me connect anyway.
Username: anonymous
Passwor: same that is used via Webinterface -
Jens-iMac:~ 135erHeli$ ftp ftp://135ercorexy.local
Connected to 135ercorexy.local.
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection.
ftp: Can't connect or login to host `135ercorexy.local'
Jens-iMac:~ 135erHeli$23:44:10
M586 P1 S1
FTP is enabled on port 21 -
Also when Homing X now Y is homing.Whats going wrong? Didnt read the config Files anymore?
The M667 Y-1 command was inserted before as my Printer was Printing Mirrowed.
Now i hav to Switch X and Y Motor Connection on the Board? -
So ill switch X and Y Motor Connection, but Printer Homes when ill say X Homing Y instead of X.
Any Idea? -
Swap the X and Y motors back to how they were and use the M569 command to reverse the direction of the Y motor. If in doubt check that the head moves correctly when you command the the motors individually as described at