If it's possible to setup virtual printer
Hello, I just finished to setup duet3 mini with RPI web server, any chance to setup fake/virtual printer as board not really connected to any motor's etc. As I want to test custom plugin which we making with friends.... Something like run short g-code and plugin should trigger robot arm, Thanks
you can run a duet with almost no hardware installed. If you want to fake an extruder you need at least an thermistor or a fixed value resistor of 100k ohm. In other modes (laser or CNC) you won't even need that.You have to use the power terminals, feeding the Duet from USB won't accept all commands.
@egauss you need a duet connected to work with the SBC
@jay_s_uk I have already raspberry pi cm4 with all software installed and duet3 mini connected, so probably the best setup CNC configuration and run short g-code to check if plugin triggers robot arm, thanks