Heatend only heats up when printing
I tried the web interface too, setting the heatend temperature there does nothing. Heatbed temperature control works fine though for some reason.
M109 is working, though I am still unsure why. Does anyone have any ideas? -
There seems to be something flaky with the latest DWC. This used to work fine. Do you use multiple tools? I'm finding that the only way to get the heater to work is to set the active temperature on all tools - then it works. EDIT - No it seems that only T0 works. This is another DWC issue.
DWC being the JS frontend, correct? I inputted the commands manually into the G-Code Console and M109 is still the only command that's correctly setting the temperature. I also tried specifying T0 manually, though I only have a single tool.
What version of DWC are you using? It all worked fine for me until I changed to 1.17+2.
I'm using 1.17+2, haven't tried any previous ones as I updated my Duet to 1.19 as soon as I received it.
You need to select a tool, otherwise there is nothing to heat. You can do this in DWC, or send command T0.
Putting T0 at the end of the config "fixed" my issue. G10 only works now because of the pre-selected tool, it probably still ignores the tool parameter, although I can't confirm that as I don't have multiple tools. It still doesn't explain why selecting the temperature in the web ui doesn't work. It should select the tool automatically in this case because there are separate temp controls for each tool on the page.
G10 sets the target active and standby temperatures for tool. The values you set with G10 are remembered, and applied when you select or deselect that tool. This allows you to switch between multiple tools an have them heat up and cool down automatically, without sending new temperature commands each time.
The problem I'm having is that DWC shows all the tools being active or all in stdby. Yet I can either use the drop down or type in a number next to an active tool and nothing happens. I'm doing it all "long hand" by using the console and typing in a series of commands.
The problem I'm having is that DWC shows all the tools being active or all in stdby. Yet I can either use the drop down or type in a number next to an active tool and nothing happens. I'm doing it all "long hand" by using the console and typing in a series of commands.
Is that with DWC 1.19RC1, or an earlier version?
Is that with DWC 1.19RC1, or an earlier version?
No it's 1.17+2 - I'll upgrade to 1.19RC1 - remind me where I can find it please.
It's in the dev branch of chrishamm's DWC repo, and also in the Edge release folders of my RRF repo alongside RRF 1.19RC6.
OK I think I understand what's going on and it's mostly (but not all) my fault. I've upgraded to 1.19 RC1 BTW.
What's throwing me is that clicking on any tool switches them all from active to standby, (but that's not really true). That is to say, the column next to "Tool" is "Heater" and it's that column which toggles from "Active" to "Standby" whenever I click on any tool. So under "Tools" I have Tool 0, Tool 1 Tool 2 etc and under "Heater", next to each tool I have Heater1. Heater 1, Heater 1 all the way down (because they all use the same heater). So it just looks like clicking on any tool, is toggling the state from Active to Standby for all tools because the heater next to the tool changes state. This is what was confusing me because I can have a heater showing active next to a tool that isn't actually active. When I look closely, the little underline for the tool is still present which is what actually denotes which tool is truly active. I have to ignore the word "active" and look for the little underline instead.
So now I understand and it was largely me being thick (nothing new there) but I'll put a DWC request to have the active tool denoted more prominently, like in a different colour or bold, rather then the faint, hard to spot, underline.