Duet 3 mini 5+ WIFI not receiving power from 24v input.
I just bought a duet 3 mini 5+ for my ender 5. I got all the wiring setup and connected to the board over USB and got it set up to my network, when I tried to power it from the printers 24v PSU the 5v led didn't turn on and it wasn't showing up on my WIFI. The DWC online network interface works if its powered via USB but not if its powered from the PSU. I found some information about a 5v select jumper but can find it on my board. Thanks in advance, Thunder
Can you locate the 5v select jumper from the drawing of the board here, located top left. Maybe a photo of the board?
Maybe it's set oddly.
Alternatively the 5v regulator may have failed. When and where did you purchase it?
@phaedrux I bought it from filastuder in the second half of may. the only jumpers on the board are the two that select 24 or 12v output for out3/4 and out5/6.
@phaedrux Also I have some buck convertors handy if I need to power the 5v rail externally
It would seem the internal 5v regulator has suffered infant mortality.
If you wish, you can supply 5v from alternate means, such as a buck converter, to the 5v ext in pin, or you can get a replacement board under warranty.
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@phaedrux Thanks for your help, I appreciate it . have a nice day!
One last thing to check, can you remove the red 10A fuse and check it for continuity with a multimeter?
@phaedrux I just checked the fuse isn't blown. thanks for the suggestion though
@phaedrux Thanks for all your help, I did finally realize something that was quite confusing. the 5v select jumper you mentioned is labeled as such on the silkscreen on the board but in the board diagram image that you sent as well as the ones from setup tutorial's it is labeled as 5V source. Not sure why I didn't connect the 5v select you mentioned and that I finally saw on the board and the 5v source pin diagram I looked over quite a few times. Again, thanks for all your help with troubleshooting and have a nice day
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