heater 1 is missing after update
Share your homing files please. Do you get any errors from m98 p"config.g" now?
@phaedrux ; homeall.g
; called to home all axesG91 ; Relative
G1 H2 Z5 F2000 S2 ; Lower bed 15mm
G1 H1 X-300 Y-300 F2000 S1 ; Coarse home X and Y
G1 H1 X-300 S1 ; Coarse X in case Y homed first
G1 H1 Y-300 S1 ; Coarse Y in case X homed first
G1 H1 X5 Y5 F2000 ; Move away from the endstops
G1 H1 X-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home X
G1 H1 Y-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home YM98 P"/macros/print_scripts/xy_current_high.g" ; Restore motor currents
G90 ; Absolute positioning; Go to z switch and home z axis
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_switch.g" ; Activate Z Switch
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/goto_z_switch.g" ; Go To Z SwitchG30 Z-99999 ; Probe Z Switch
G0 Z20
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ; Activate Z Probe
And the homing files? homeall.g, homez.g, homex.g, homey.g, bed.g?
Copy and paste the text please. -
@phaedrux ; X axis homing file
;M913 X40 Y40 Z40 ; Reduce motor currents in case of collision
G91 ; relative mode
G1 H2 Z15 F2000 S2 ; lower bed to avoid dragging nozzle over the bed
G1 H1 X-300 F2000 S1 ; move up to 300mm in the -X direction, stopping if the homing switch is triggered
G1 H1 X5 F2000 ; move slowly 2mm in the +X direction
G1 H1 X-10 F 360 S1 ; move slowly 10mm in the -X direction, stopping at the homing switchG90 ; absolute mode
G1 H1 X0 F2000 ; Move head to 0 (corner of bed)
G91 ; relative mode
G1 H2 Z-15 F2000 S2 ; raise bed back to original height
G90 ; absolute mode;M913 X100 Y100 Z100 ; Restore motor currents
; Y axis homing file
;M913 X40 Y40 Z40 ; Reduce motor currents in case of collision
G91 ; relative mode
G1 H2 Z15 F2000 S2 ; lower bed to avoid dragging nozzle over the bed
G1 H1 Y-300 F2000 S1 ; move up to 300mm in the -Y direction, stopping if the homing switch is triggered
G1 H1 Y5 F2000 ; move slowly 2mm in the +Y direction
G1 H1 Y-10 F 360 S1 ; move slowly 10mm in the -Y direction, stopping at the homing switchG90 ; absolute mode
G1 H1 Y0 F2000 ; Move head to 0 (corner of bed)
G91 ; relative mode
G1 H2 Z-15 F2000 S2 ; raise bed back to original height
G90 ; absolute mode;M913 X100 Y100 Z100 ; Restore motor currents
; homez.g
; called to home the Z axis
;; Lift Z relatively to current position
G1 H2 Z5 F2000 S2; Back to absolute positioning
G90; Go to z switch and home z axis
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_switch.g" ; Activate Z Switch
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/goto_z_switch.g" ; Go To Z SwitchG30 Z-99999 ; Probe Z Switch
G0 Z20
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ; Activate Z Probe
; bed.g
; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32
; setup for quad belt gantryM561 ; Clear any existing bed transform
G28 ; homeM98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ;activate inductive z-probe
; Probe bed at these 4 points:
G30 P0 X335 Y350 H0 Z-99999
G30 P1 X335 Y35 H0 Z-99999
G30 P2 X15 Y35 H0 Z-99999
G30 P3 X15 Y350 H0 Z-99999 S4G28 Z ; Home Z Axis
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ;activate inductive z-probe
@joe92 said in heater 1 is missing after update:
M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/goto_z_switch.g" ; Go To Z Switch
What's in this one?
Also, what's in your slicer start gcode?
@phaedrux goto_z_switch.g/ G1 X116.00 Y0 F12000
start skript:
M104 S0 ;cancel set temp
G21 ; set units to mm
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
T0 ; select tool 0
G29 S2 ; clear height map and disable mesh bed compensation
G92 E0.0 ; reset e count
M220 S100 ; reset speed multiplier
M290 R0 S0 ; reset baby stepping
G32 ; autolevel with leadscrews
M561 ; Clear any existing bed transform
M375 P"bareplate.csv" ; write to heightmap.csv
M109 S250
G1 X20 Y20 ; move gantry away from home -
@phaedrux said in heater 1 is missing after update:
Also, what's in your slicer start gcode?
And finally this so we can see the order things are called when the print is started. Then I can piece together the order of gcode to see what's happening.
@phaedrux ;FLAVOR:RepRap
;Filament used: 16.2025m
;Layer height: 0.2
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.9.1
M109 S0
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
M104 s0
G29 s2
G92 E0.0
M220 S100
M290 R0 S0
M375 P"bareplate.csv"
G1 X20 Y20
M83 ;relative extrusion mode
G1 F1500 E-1
M204 T5000
M566 X300 Y300
G0 F9000 X149.55 Y149.316 Z0.2
M204 P3000
M566 X1080 Y1080
G1 F1500 E1
G1 F2550 X150.149 Y148.796 E0.02308
G1 X150.798 Y148.34 E0.02308
G1 X151.49 Y147.951 E0.0231
G1 X152.217 Y147.633 E0.02309
G1 X152.973 Y147.39 E0.02311
G1 X153.749 Y147.225 E0.02309
G1 X154.537 Y147.139 E0.02307
G1 X155 Y147.125 E0.01348
G1 X195 Y147.125 E1.1641
G1 X195.792 Y147.165 E0.02308
G1 X196.577 Y147.284 E0.02311
G1 X197.345 Y147.482 E0.02308
G1 X198.09 Y147.757 E0.02311
G1 X198.803 Y148.104 E0.02308
G1 X199.478 Y148.522 E0.02311
G1 X200.107 Y149.005 E0.02308
G1 X200.684 Y149.55 E0.0231
G1 X201.204 Y150.149 E0.02308
G1 X201.66 Y150.798 E0.02308
G1 X202.049 Y151.49 E0.0231
G1 X202.367 Y152.217 E0.02309
G1 X202.61 Y152.973 E0.02311
G1 X202.775 Y153.749 E0.02309
G1 X202.861 Y154.537 E0.02307
G1 X202.875 Y155 E0.01348
G1 X202.875 Y195 E1.1641
G1 X202.835 Y195.792 E0.02308
G1 X202.716 Y196.577 E0.02311
G1 X202.518 Y197.345 E0.02308
G1 X202.243 Y198.09 E0.02311
G1 X201.896 Y198.803 E0.02308
G1 X201.478 Y199.478 E0.02311
G1 X200.995 Y200.107 E0.02308
G1 X200.45 Y200.684 E0.0231
G1 X199.851 Y201.204 E0.02308
G1 X199.202 Y201.66 E0.02308
G1 X198.51 Y202.049 E0.0231
G1 X197.783 Y202.367 E0.02309
G1 X197.027 Y202.61 E0.02311
G1 X196.251 Y202.775 E0.02309
G1 X195.463 Y202.861 E0.02307
G1 X195 Y202.875 E0.01348
G1 X155 Y202.875 E1.1641
G1 X154.208 Y202.835 E0.02308
G1 X153.423 Y202.716 E0.02311
G1 X152.655 Y202.518 E0.02308
G1 X151.91 Y202.243 E0.02311
G1 X151.197 Y201.896 E0.02308
G1 X150.522 Y201.478 E0.02311
G1 X149.893 Y200.995 E0.02308
G1 X149.316 Y200.45 E0.0231
G1 X148.796 Y199.851 E0.02308
G1 X148.34 Y199.202 E0.02308
G1 X147.951 Y198.51 E0.0231
G1 X147.633 Y197.783 E0.02309
G1 X147.39 Y197.027 E0.02311
G1 X147.225 Y196.251 E0.02309
G1 X147.139 Y195.463 E0.02307
G1 X147.125 Y195 E0.01348
G1 X147.125 Y155 E1.1641
G1 X147.165 Y154.208 E0.02308
G1 X147.284 Y153.423 E0.02311
G1 X147.482 Y152.655 E0.02308
G1 X147.757 Y151.91 E0.02311
G1 X148.104 Y151.197 E0.02308
G1 X148.522 Y150.522 E0.02311
G1 X149.005 Y149.893 E0.02308
G1 X149.55 Y149.316 E0.0231
M566 X300 Y300
G0 F9000 X149.894 Y149.473
M566 X1080 Y1080
G1 F2550 X150.49 Y148.976 E0.02258
G1 X151.134 Y148.544 E0.02257
G1 X151.819 Y148.181 E0.02256
G1 X152.538 Y147.889 E0.02258
G1 X153.283 Y147.674 E0.02257
G1 X154.046 Y147.536 E0.02257
G1 X155 Y147.475 E0.02782
G1 X195 Y147.475 E1.1641
G1 X195.775 Y147.515 E0.02258
G1 X196.541 Y147.634 E0.02256
G1 X197.291 Y147.832 E0.02257
G1 X198.017 Y148.106 E0.02258
G1 X198.71 Y148.453 E0.02256
G1 X199.364 Y148.87 E0.02257
G1 X199.972 Y149.352 E0.02258
G1 X200.527 Y149.894 E0.02258
G1 X201.024 Y150.49 E0.02258
G1 X201.456 Y151.134 E0.02257
G1 X201.819 Y151.819 E0.02256
G1 X202.111 Y152.538 E0.02258
G1 X202.326 Y153.283 E0.02257
G1 X202.464 Y154.046 E0.02257
G1 X202.525 Y155 E0.02782
G1 X202.525 Y195 E1.1641
G1 X202.485 Y195.775 E0.02258
G1 X202.366 Y196.541 E0.02256
G1 X202.168 Y197.291 E0.02257
G1 X201.894 Y198.017 E0.02258
G1 X201.547 Y198.71 E0.02256
G1 X201.13 Y199.364 E0.02257
G1 X200.648 Y199.972 E0.02258
G1 X200.106 Y200.527 E0.02258
G1 X199.51 Y201.024 E0.02258
G1 X198.866 Y201.456 E0.02257
G1 X198.181 Y201.819 E0.02256
G1 X197.462 Y202.111 E0.02258
G1 X196.717 Y202.326 E0.02257
G1 X195.954 Y202.464 E0.02257
G1 X195 Y202.525 E0.02782
G1 X155 Y202.525 E1.1641
G1 X154.225 Y202.485 E0.02258
G1 X153.459 Y202.366 E0.02256
G1 X152.709 Y202.168 E0.02257
G1 X151.983 Y201.894 E0.02258
G1 X151.29 Y201.547 E0.02256
G1 X150.636 Y201.13 E0.02257
G1 X150.028 Y200.648 E0.02258
G1 X149.473 Y200.106 E0.02258
G1 X148.976 Y199.51 E0.02258
G1 X148.544 Y198.866 E0.02257
G1 X148.181 Y198.181 E0.02256
G1 X147.889 Y197.462 E0.02258
G1 X147.674 Y196.717 E0.02257
G1 X147.536 Y195.954 E0.02257
G1 X147.475 Y195 E0.02782
G1 X147.475 Y155 E1.1641
G1 X147.515 Y154.225 E0.02258
G1 X147.634 Y153.459 E0.02256
G1 X147.832 Y152.709 E0.02257
G1 X148.106 Y151.983 E0.02258
G1 X148.453 Y151.29 E0.02256
G1 X148.87 Y150.636 E0.02257
G1 X149.352 Y150.028 E0.02258
G1 X149.894 Y149.473 E0.02258
M566 X300 Y300
G0 F9000 X150.237 Y149.634
M566 X1080 Y1080
G1 F2550 X150.829 Y149.162 E0.02203
G1 X151.468 Y148.755 E0.02205
G1 X152.146 Y148.417 E0.02205
G1 X152.855 Y148.153 E0.02202
G1 X153.589 Y147.965 E0.02205
G1 X154.338 Y147.856 E0.02203
G1 X155 Y147.825 E0.01929
G1 X195 Y147.825 E1.1641
G1 X195.756 Y147.865 E0.02203
G1 X196.504 Y147.984 E0.02204
G1 X197.235 Y148.182 E0.02204
G1 X197.942 Y148.456 E0.02207
G1 X198.615 Y148.802 E0.02202
G1 X199.248 Y149.218 E0.02204
G1 X199.834 Y149.698 E0.02205
G1 X200.366 Y150.237 E0.02204
G1 X200.838 Y150.829 E0.02203
G1 X201.245 Y151.468 E0.02205
G1 X201.583 Y152.146 E0.02205
G1 X201.847 Y152.855 E0.02202
G1 X202.035 Y153.589 E0.02205
G1 X202.144 Y154.338 E0.02203
G1 X202.175 Y155 E0.01929
G1 X202.175 Y195 E1.1641
G1 X202.135 Y195.756 E0.02203
G1 X202.016 Y196.504 E0.02204
G1 X201.818 Y197.235 E0.02204
G1 X201.544 Y197.942 E0.02207
G1 X201.198 Y198.615 E0.02202
G1 X200.782 Y199.248 E0.02204
G1 X200.302 Y199.834 E0.02205
G1 X199.763 Y200.366 E0.02204
G1 X199.171 Y200.838 E0.02203
G1 X198.532 Y201.245 E0.02205
G1 X197.854 Y201.583 E0.02205
G1 X197.145 Y201.847 E0.02202
G1 X196.411 Y202.035 E0.02205
G1 X195.662 Y202.144 E0.02203
G1 X195 Y202.175 E0.01929
G1 X155 Y202.175 E1.1641
G1 X154.244 Y202.135 E0.02203
G1 X153.496 Y202.016 E0.02204
G1 X152.765 Y201.818 E0.02204
G1 X152.058 Y201.544 E0.02207
G1 X151.385 Y201.198 E0.02202
G1 X150.752 Y200.782 E0.02204
G1 X150.166 Y200.302 E0.02205
G1 X149.634 Y199.763 E0.02204
G1 X149.162 Y199.171 E0.02203
G1 X148.755 Y198.532 E0.02205
G1 X148.417 Y197.854 E0.02205
G1 X148.153 Y197.145 E0.02202
G1 X147.965 Y196.411 E0.02205
G1 X147.856 Y195.662 E0.02203
G1 X147.825 Y195 E0.01929
G1 X147.825 Y155 E1.1641
G1 X147.865 Y154.244 E0.02203
G1 X147.984 Y153.496 E0.02204
G1 X148.182 Y152.765 E0.02204
G1 X148.456 Y152.058 E0.02207
G1 X148.802 Y151.385 E0.02202
G1 X149.218 Y150.752 E0.02204
G1 X149.698 Y150.166 E0.02205
G1 X150.237 Y149.634 E0.02204
M566 X300 Y300250/115979
Have the GCODE file running without heating. The axes X and Y are only moving in one direction. Manuel run all axes correctly -
@joe92 said in heater 1 is missing after update:
The print does not work. The GCODE file starts in the middle of the bed and moves quickly to the corner (X350 / Y350). The display shows that the Prinhead is still in the middle.
Here is my reconstituted gcode progression
; Configuration file for Duet WiFi (firmware version 3) ; executed by the firmware on start-up ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.2.1 on Fri Jan 15 2021 23:22:23 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) ; General preferences G90 ; send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves M555 P2 ; Set firmware compatibility to look like Marlin M550 P"Voron V2" ; set printer name M669 K1 ; select CoreXY mode ; Network M552 S1 ; enable network M586 P0 S1 ; enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; disable Telnet ; G29 Mesh M557 X55:295 Y30:270 S30 ; S30 for high density, S40 for testing ; Drives M569 P0 S1 ; X Motor goes backwards M569 P1 S1 ; Y Motor goes backwards M569 P3 S1 ; Extruder Motor 0 goes forwards (BMG) M569 P5 S1 ; Z1 goes backwards M569 P6 S0 ; Z2 goes forwards M569 P7 S1 ; Z3 goes forwards M569 P8 S0 ; Z4 goes backwards ; Z-Axis Stepper Leveling Configuration M584 X0 Y1 Z5:6:7:8 ; 4 motors; duex 5, 6, 7, 8 M671 X420:420:-60:-60 Y410:-10:-10:410 S20 ; belts in all 4 corners M92 X80 Y80 Z400 ; Steps per mm M92 E424.30 ; Steps per mm (BMG) (1.8deg) M350 E16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M350 X16 Y16 Z16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation M203 X18000 Y18000 E9000 Z4000 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min) for 2.1 only (300mm/s max) M201 X3000 Y3000 E6000 Z500 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2) M566 X900 Y900 E1200 Z150 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M98 P"/macros/print_scripts/xy_current_high.g" ; Set XY Motor Currents M98 P"/macros/print_scripts/e_current_high.g" ; Set Extruder Motor Currents M98 P"/macros/print_scripts/z_current_high.g" ; Set Z Motor Currents (must come after extruder, because on the extruder headers) M84 S0 ; Set idle timeout, never time out ; Axis Limits M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minima M208 X350 Y350 Z300 S0 ; set axis maxima ; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on X via pin xstop M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Z via pin zstop ; Inductive Leveling Sensor M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ; activate the Z probe M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_switch.g" ; activate the Z switch ; Heaters M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B3950 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; create bed heater output on bedheat and map it to sensor 0 M98 P"/macros/PID/ABS_PID.g" ; Set model parameters for heater 0 and use PID mode? M140 H0 ; map heated bed to heater 0 M143 H0 S120 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B3950 ; define E0 temperature sensor M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on e0heat and map it to sensor 1 M307 H1 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for heater and set PWM limit M143 H1 S280 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280C ; Fans M950 F0 C"duex.fan3" Q500 ; create fan 0 on pin duex.fan3 and set its frequency M106 P0 S0 H-1 ; set fan 0 value. Thermostatic control is turned off M950 F1 C"fan1" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin fan1 and set its frequency M106 P1 S1 H1 T45 ; set fan 1 value. Thermostatic control is turned on M950 F2 C"fan2" Q500 ; create fan 2 on pin fan2 and set its frequency M106 P2 S1 H1 T45 ; set fan 2 value. Thermostatic control is turned on ; Tools M563 P0 D0 H1 F0 ; define tool 0 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 0 axis offsets G10 P0 R0 S0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C ; Custom settings are not defined ; Miscellaneous M575 P1 S1 B57600 ; enable support for PanelDue ; Enable config-override.g ;M501 ; Allow Movement of Axis that have not been homed M564 H0 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.9.1 T0 M109 S0 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M104 s0 G21 G90 T0 G29 s2 G92 E0.0 M220 S100 M290 R0 S0 G32 ; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 ; setup for quad belt gantry M561 ; Clear any existing bed transform G28 ; home ; homeall.g ; called to home all axes G91 ; Relative G1 H2 Z5 F2000 S2 ; Lower bed 15mm G1 H1 X-300 Y-300 F2000 S1 ; Coarse home X and Y G1 H1 X-300 S1 ; Coarse X in case Y homed first G1 H1 Y-300 S1 ; Coarse Y in case X homed first G1 H1 X5 Y5 F2000 ; Move away from the endstops G1 H1 X-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home X G1 H1 Y-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home Y M98 P"/macros/print_scripts/xy_current_high.g" ; Restore motor currents G90 ; Absolute positioning ; Go to z switch and home z axis M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_switch.g" ; Activate Z Switch m558 P5 zstop G31 X0 Y0 Z0.9 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/goto_z_switch.g" ; Go To Z Switch goto_z_switch.g/ G1 X116.00 Y0 F12000 G30 Z-99999 ; Probe Z Switch G0 Z20 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ; Activate Z Probe M558 P5 zprobein g31 x0 y0 z1.46 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ;activate inductive z-probe M558 P5 zprobein g31 x0 y0 z1.46 ; Probe bed at these 4 points: G30 P0 X335 Y350 H0 Z-99999 G30 P1 X335 Y35 H0 Z-99999 G30 P2 X15 Y35 H0 Z-99999 G30 P3 X15 Y350 H0 Z-99999 S4 G28 Z ; Home Z Axis ; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; ; Lift Z relatively to current position G91 G1 H2 Z5 F2000 S2 ; Back to absolute positioning G90 ; Go to z switch and home z axis M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_switch.g" ; Activate Z Switch m558 P5 zstop G31 X0 Y0 Z0.9 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/goto_z_switch.g" ; Go To Z Switch goto_z_switch.g/ G1 X116.00 Y0 F12000 G30 Z-99999 ; Probe Z Switch G0 Z20 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ; Activate Z Probe M558 P5 zprobein g31 x0 y0 z1.46 M98 P"/macros/probe_scripts/activate_z_probe.g" ;activate inductive z-probe M558 P5 zprobein g31 x0 y0 z1.46 M561 M375 P"bareplate.csv" G1 X20 Y20 M83 ;relative extrusion mode G1 F1500 E-1 ;LAYER_COUNT:200 ;LAYER:0 M107 M204 T5000 M566 X300 Y300 G0 F9000 X149.55 Y149.316 Z0.2 M204 P3000 M566 X1080 Y1080 print starts
Does that seem correct to you?
@phaedrux said in heater 1 is missing after update:
G1 H1 X5 Y5 F2000 ; Move away from the endstops
This may be a problem. Your back off move in homeall has an H1 on it to seek an endstop. It should not.
@phaedrux At the Config, I changed the command M584. I have inserted E0 and noted that the mistake has to come there. Have changed it in E1 and the Prinhead continues to drive only in one direction but the axis has changed
@phaedrux said in heater 1 is missing after update:
G1 H1 X5 Y5 F2000 ; Move away from the endstops
Have changed in H2
Actually it should have no H at all, or technically H0 as it is a normal move.
Eitherway, does it make a difference?
@phaedrux said in heater 1 is missing after update:
Actually it should have no H at all, or technically H0 as it is a normal move.
Eitherway, does it make a difference?No, even H0 not
@phaedrux said in heater 1 is missing after update:
G1 H2 Z5 F2000 S2 ; Lower bed 15mm G1 H1 X-300 Y-300 F2000 S1 ; Coarse home X and Y G1 H1 X-300 S1 ; Coarse X in case Y homed first G1 H1 Y-300 S1 ; Coarse Y in case X homed first G1 H1 X5 Y5 F2000 ; Move away from the endstops G1 H1 X-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home X G1 H1 Y-300 F360 S1 ; Fine home Y
Can you also remove the S1 on those lines. S1 is no longer used for homing moves in RRF3. Replaced by H1, so they don't really belong. Not sure if that would be enough to cause an issue, but...
If you do just a homeall with G28, are you able to jog around the bed normally? Is it only when starting a print that it's a problem?
How do you have the slicer bed size and 0,0 point configured?
@phaedrux Have the commands M584 rewritten in "M584 E2 X0 Y1 Z5: 6: 7: 8; 4 Motors; DuEx 5, 6, 7, 8"
It works with E2. I have not understood as I set the parameters in M584 exactly but I let it first so as long as it works