End Stops suddenly don't work (Solved, Faulty 6hc Board)
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@arnold_r_clark If your switches are normally open and you don't have a pullup, what voltage do you expect the input to be?
Where would that voltage come from?
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@arnold_r_clark said in End Stops suddenly don't work:
I swapped the 6hc board with the spare mini-5+ i have here and everything is operational again, with endstops X & Y both working from the tool board as before, so the 6hc is faulty in some way, I will have to see when i purchased it (it came from e3d)
What firmware is the mini5 running? Same 3.3?
It's quite unusual. As you say, if they are wired normally closed then there shouldn't be any interference issues and no pullup required. The simplest explanation for having X and Y reporting crossed would be physically having them connected to the opposite io port, but that should be obvious if that were the case.
The fact the issue happened suddenly on the toolboard after working for some time, and then started working again for a while when moved to the mainboard, but then stopped working there as well without any other change makes me think there might be something to do either with the switch or the wiring, since that's the common denominator and the most likely place for an intermittent issue to show up.
Now that you have it connected to a mini5 and it's working again, I wonder if it will start getting confused again in a short time.
I don't know what your cabling is like, but I would think at this point replacing the switches and wiring might be the easiest troubleshooting step just to remove them as variables. Or at least testing the switches and wiring outside of the loom to eliminate any interference.
Could also try different io ports on the 6HC to see if that makes a difference.
I'll ask DC 42 to take a look in case he spots something we've missed entirely.
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@arnold_r_clark said in End Stops suddenly don't work:
The problem with the end stop issue went away as soon as i moved the end stops to the main board (6HC) but not long after that (about 10 minutes) the main board started dropping connection to the DWC and re-connecting but then refused to connect to DWC unless USB was connected and if the USB connection was/is removed DWC connection stopped again. The tool board is powered from a direct fused PSU connection and not from an "out" connection on the main board
Ah ok, when you said this
@arnold_r_clark said in End Stops suddenly don't work:
I then took the tool board out of the loop and connected the end stops to the mainboard io1 & io4 this restored normal operation for a short time.
I took "for a short time" to mean that the endstops only worked correctly for a short time, but I see now you meant that the DWC problem started shortly after that.
@arnold_r_clark said in End Stops suddenly don't work:
but as soon as i disconnect the USB connection fails.
When you disconnect USB do the ethernet LEDs go off? Does the 5v or 3.3v LEDs on the board itself go off?
@arnold_r_clark said in End Stops suddenly don't work:
The tool board is powered from a direct fused PSU connection and not from an "out" connection on the main board
If you disconnect the toolboard entirely from the mainboard does the behaviour with DWC change?
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@arnold_r_clark this is on my list to look at tomorrow.
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Do you have anything else connected to the board at the moment?
Can you try disconnecting everything except VIN and ethernet to see if you can connect reliably again?
Another thing to check is whether any of the components in the 5V regulator area is getting hot, e.g. the AOZ1284 regulator chip, or any of the inductors close to the AOZ1284
How are you powering the 6HC? VIN only, or are also with separate 5v?
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@arnold_r_clark please start a new thread about your 6HC board no longer working without external power, as this is different from the title of this thread.
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