Cant Connect Maestro
For some reason, I cant connect my new Maestro board, I followed the guide with no luck.
I know the board is ok, becase I have 2 Maestros and I have the same result with both...
With the M115 command I have this:
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.01beta1(RTOS) ELECTRONICS: Duet Maestro 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-06-23b1
With M552:
Network is enabled, configured IP address:, actual IP address:
ok T0:2000.0 /0.0 T1:2000.0 /0.0 B:2000.0 /0.0
The ethernet cable is working because I tested with my computer.
I also have a Duet 2 ethernet wotking in the same network, but I think the Mac address is different.
Mestro: MAC: be:76:48:38:53:34
Ethernet: MAC: be:ef:de:ad:fe:eeI could not find anywhere in the forum the same issue.
Thanks in advance!!
@erickindi if you're setting up as a new board, update the firmware to 3.3
The quickest was to do this would be with bossa. -
@jay_s_uk Thanks for the reply! But I can connet with YAT or Pronterface, I just cant connect to the network...
@erickindi still worth upgrading.
If you can use YAT, use fallback procedure 1 to upgrade, taking note that you should go to 2.05.1, then 3.0 and then 3.3 -
It is reporting that the "iap4s.bin" is not found, I tried renaming the "DuetMaestroIAP.bin" file to "iap4s.bin" but it still reports the same old firmware with the M115 commmand.. Is this the correct procedure? Thanks -
@erickindi no. which firmware are you trying to upgrade from/to?
still at 2.01beta1? -
@jay_s_uk From 2.01beta1(RTOS) to 3.0
@erickindi i believe its this one
@jay_s_uk do I have to rename to "iap4s.bin" in the sys folder? I tried both ways, and it does not update..
Why it is important to update to 3.0 now?
Thanks again -
@erickindi sorry, i gave you the wrong one
go for this one
there have been lots of updates to improve the ethernet so its worth making sure you are running up to date firmware first -
@jay_s_uk Thankyou so much! Now it is updated to the 3.3 firmware! (3.0 and then to 3.3).
But I get the same error connecting to the web control..The command line I use:
SENDING:M552 S1 P192.168.1.158
Network running, IP address =
Network is enabled, configured IP address:, actual IP address: there is nothing in the Ip
If I change to it is the same thing... -
@erickindi what OS are you on?
Can you try and load the page using an incognito tab?
Can you also try adding the subnet mask and gateway? -
@jay_s_uk Im on Windows using chrome. But I am using my Duet Ethernet in my other printer with no problems.
@jay_s_uk Thank you so much for your help!!!
For some reason, when I conected to another router, it worked!!