Strange message DWC
I am triyin to reconfigure fans.
But i am having troubles in know, think that something extrange its happening.
In DWC - Print, appears manual control of 1 fan, i only try to configure 1 at time. And its called "Heatsnik".
When in DWC, change % of power, appears this error message
M106 P2 S0.63 Error: M106: Fan number 2 not found
but the strange thing about that message is that, now, before yes, I do NOT have any fan connected in P2, but, neither do I have it in config.g ...
In this moments, i have in config.g, only one fan, in fan1
M950 F1 C"fan1" Q500 M106 P1 C"ElGrande" S1 F500 H-1
That does NOT appear in DWC
it's like what I put in config.g .... won't update in DWC.
Is there any way to force it to update?
Or, why does it do that?
@peirof have you checked that you do not have a F2 parameter in your M563 command(s) in config.g ?