I love being able to just print things!
We couldn't find any double-wide camping cots, so we bought two single-wide ones and I printed some clips to hold them together, and BANG! we had a solution for getting us off the dirt while camping.
I printed up several 1/4" thick test pieces until I thought I had the design perfect and them did 4 3" long pieces.
These turned out to be WAY too stiff to clip on, so I did an update making a thinner wall and larger opening, but this design had a wall thickness of 6.7 extrusion widths, so there was an unfilled gap in the center that made them too weak.
Adjusting the design in CAD reducing the wall thickness by 0.05" and reslicing get me a design with nicely filled-in walls that are the perfect strength to clip on and (barely) able to be removed.
Thanks Duet team for getting my SeeMeCNC machine off Rambo and onto something I can just design/slice/print and be happy with.