Sammy-C21 Thermistor
Hey everyone! Been digging around on this for a bit and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
Trying to hook a spare PT1000 into my Sammy-C21 board. Looking at the schematics for the 6hc, there is a lot of hardware around the VSSA pin for the thermistor, which does not exist on the Sammy. What would be the most recommended way to hook up a thermistor/PT1000 into a Sammy board?
I assume based on the hardware code, I can use Temp0/Temp1 (PA02/03) in series with a 10k resistor? I would then assume that the other side of the thermistor (VSSA) would be tied to 3.3.
@th0mpy the additional circuitry on the Mainboard and most expansion boards is to provide the firmware.eith reference voltages to compensate for variations in the analog voltage levels. This leads to more accurate and repeatable temperature readings. The 1XD temp input does not have this so is less accurate than other Duets. That is fine for the application (motor overheating sensor).