InputShaping Plugin shows only zeros with Toolboard 1lc
@mfs12 I have See it, thanks.
undefined mfs12 marked this topic as a question
Good Morning.
I have now updated to 3.4 Beta 6 and Pre 7.
Unfortunately the problem that the frequencies are not displayed is still there. -
@heartleander81 please can you attach the latest .csv file that was generated when you ran the IS plugin.
@Heartleander81, i added now an option in the "record tab" to not delete the generated files by the IS plugin.
@mfs12 When I look at the IS file in the Duet accelerometer, it shows frequencies.
for some reason your device report a rate of 0. which is strange and causing the problems.
@mfs12 OK. What could be the trigger for this?
Is there a way to do tests to find out what might be the cause? -
@heartleander81 I am still trying to work out how this could happen.
@Heartleander81 I've managed to reproduce this by disconnecting the interrupt signal from the accelerometer. So I think your board has a hardware fault. Which revision of tool board is it? If it is a rev. 1.1 board, does it have a diode soldered on the underside in one corner of the board?
@heartleander81 I've added a test of the interrupt line in the firmware:
- Please install the tool board firmware from on your tool board. It is compatible with 3.4.0beta6 main board firmware.
- When that's done, send this command to attempt data collection: M956 S1000 A0
- If that command reports failure, run M122 B20 to get the tool board diagnostics.
M956 S1000 A0 Error: M956: missing parameter 'P' M956 P20.0 S1000 A0 Error: M956: Failed to start accelerometer data collection
M122 B20 Diagnostics for board 20: Duet TOOL1LC rev 1.1 or later firmware version 3.4.0beta6+1 (2021-11-09 14:39:48) Bootloader ID: SAMC21 bootloader version 2.3 (2021-01-26b1) Never used RAM 2628, free system stack 2788 words Tasks: Move(notifyWait,0.0%,153) HEAT(notifyWait,0.2%,115) CanAsync(notifyWait,0.0%,64) CanRecv(notifyWait,0.0%,77) CanClock(notifyWait,0.0%,64) ACCEL(notifyWait,0.0%,27) TMC(notifyWait,3.0%,57) MAIN(running,91.9%,350) IDLE(ready,0.0%,27) AIN(delaying,5.0%,142), total 100.0% Last reset 00:05:21 ago, cause: software Last software reset data not available Driver 0: pos 0, 701.5 steps/mm,standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 1, ifcnt 23, reads 29639, writes 11, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, steps req 0 done 0 Moves scheduled 0, completed 0, in progress 0, hiccups 0, step errors 0, maxPrep 0, maxOverdue 0, maxInc 0, mcErrs 0, gcmErrs 0 Peak sync jitter 1/5, peak Rx sync delay 584, resyncs 0/1, no step interrupt scheduled VIN voltage: min 25.4, current 25.4, max 25.4 MCU temperature: min 31.6C, current 40.8C, max 40.8C Last sensors broadcast 0x00000002 found 1 229 ticks ago, 0 ordering errs, loop time 0 CAN messages queued 6248, send timeouts 0, received 2891, lost 0, free buffers 37, min 37, error reg 110000 dup 0, oos 0/0/0/0, bm 0, wbm 0, rxMotionDelay 0 Accelerometer: LIS3DH, status: 00, INT1 error! I2C bus errors 0, naks 3, other errors 0
The Rest must I look in 1h when my Child is sleep
@heartleander81 thanks, that shows that the INT1 signal on your board is not connected. Please email Although if you have a v1.1 board and a soldering iron, you might want to check visually the soldering of that diode first.
Ypu mean this ? I can test to soldering -
This is my Board
@heartleander81 thanks for those photos. Yes I mean that diode. I'm sorry, the diode has not been fitted to your board. Please email You will receive a reply with a link to a form to fill in.
Please accept my apologies for the time it has taken me to diagnose this.
For reference, version 1.1 tool boards should have a diode fitted to the underside in the corner, like this:
@dc42 No problem.
There are more problems that need to be solved.
Understand that this can take a little longer.
Ok then I'll send an email with a reference to the post.Many thanks for the help.
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