TMC2660 vs TMC2660C
The 2660 seems to be replaced by 2660C; which claims backwards compatibility.
Has this been tested with a Duet2, specifically can one mix and match when replacing fried drivers?
We are aware of this change and we are preparing to change manufacturing over to the TMC2660C in Q1 next year. The product change notification indicates that mixing TMC2660 and TMC2660C on the same board should not cause any issues.
I need to replace a burned TMC2660.
Because my distributor deliverd an TMC 2660C I want to ask, if there are any problems With the new version.Normally I don’t want to mix TMC2660 and TMC2660C but unfortunately I don’t don’t get the old type.
@ch-dassel we are not aware of any issues but have not done mixed production runs with those.
@t3p3tony Have you run any prototype hardware with the new parts? I am curious about their claim of significantly quieter operation at standstill and quieter at low speeds.