Can't connect to Duet 3 mini 5+ Ethernet
Please use this method to update the firmware to 3.3
Also replace the contents of the /www folder on the SD card with the files in this zip archive for the web interface.
Your config.g looks ok and it should request a DHCP address at startup. You can use the USB terminal to send M552 to check what IP address it has taken. Also send M122 in the terminal and post the results here. You can also send M98 P"config.g" in the terminal and tell us what it reports.
@phaedrux I followed your instructions to the letter but no change
It behaves exactly as in my first post./Soren
Have you tried YAT instead of pronterface?
Do the LEDs on the ethernet port light up?
What LEDs light up on the board when connected to USB?
@phaedrux Yes, I've tried both YAT from windows and PuTTY from Linux. No response.
No light on any ethernet LED (the port worked fine before my "update").
LEDs on board with only USB connection (no 24V):
3.3V solid green
5V solid red
Status, slow stead blinking red/Soren
@phaedrux What about I try to wipe everything (including boot loader) and reinstall from scratch?
When and where did you purchase the Duet 3 mini 5+ Ethernet?
@phaedrux I bought it from the Swedish distributor and it was sent on October 15 (it has taken me a while to make the new wiring loom).
Please send an email to and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@phaedrux I've done that and gotten it approved but one question remains.
Do I dare to ever run an update on the new board if it might brick it?
It seems like figuring out what happen to my current board should be a high priority.
What do you think? -
@kingfranz what happens to the USB device name if you youbleick the reset button? does it turn into DuetBoot?
Can you connect to the board via YET if the SD card is not installed?
@t3p3tony Double clicking the reset button turns it into:
On windows: serial port changes to "Serial USB unit (COM4)" and under USB-units there's a "Duet3-Mini5+"
On Linux: a mounted volume named DuetBoot shows up with the 3 files (CURRENT.UF2, INDEX.HTM and INFO_UF2.TXT).
No, can't connect in any way.
@kingfranz said in Can't connect to Duet 3 mini 5+ Ethernet:
On Linux: a mounted volume named DuetBoot shows up with the 3 files (CURRENT.UF2, INDEX.HTM and INFO_UF2.TXT).
ok great so copy over the latest 3.3 release UF2 into the DuetBoot mount. It will install and the should reset. Then try connecting to it in YAT without an SD card installed.
@t3p3tony I've already tried that, it copies the file, resets and it's back to square one, can't connect to it
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