Sanity Check! Tool Offsets: G10 P0 X...
Hi All,
Looking to implement a little meta coding object to repeat a specific pattern a number of times from an offset based on the current head position.
Is the following current best practice for that procedure?
- Read current head position from object model.
- Read current G10 P0 offset from object model.
- Apply appropriate offset to the G10 P0 values to make the current position position X=0, Y=0.
- Run print job with M98 P"build-name.gcode" (Is this any worse than using the specific start build gcode?)
...Move head, repeat...
I believe that is better than resetting the position using G92 as it doesn't invalidate any bed probing?
So this is the test macro (that works):
var tool_num = 0 var num_x_pattern = 3 var num_y_pattern = 2 var x_pattern_space = 50.0 var y_pattern_space = 25.0 var int_x = move.axes[0].machinePosition var int_y = move.axes[1].machinePosition var initial_x_offset = tools[var.tool_num].offsets[0] var initial_y_offset = tools[var.tool_num].offsets[0] while true if iterations = (var.num_x_pattern * var.num_y_pattern) break else var x_i = mod(iterations, var.num_x_pattern) var y_i = ((iterations-var.x_i)/var.num_x_pattern) var x_pos = var.int_x + (var.x_i * var.x_pattern_space) var y_pos = var.int_y + (var.y_i * var.y_pattern_space) G10 P0 X{(-1 * var.x_pos)} Y{(-1 * var.y_pos)} G1 X0 Y0 F6000 G1 X10 Y10 F600 continue G10 P0 X{(-1 * var.initial_x_offset)} Y{(-1 * var.initial_y_offset)} G1 X{var.int_x} Y{var.int_y} F6000
I would be replacing the following lines with a call to run a build file:
G1 X0 Y0 F6000 G1 X10 Y10 F600
Does this seem the sensible approach?