bed center adjustment
@sgk when you home X and Y, how far off the bed is your nozzle?
@jay_s_uk home xand y
@sgk home xyz
@sgk so in that case it looks at though when just X and Y are homed, the nozzle is on the edge of the bed?
@sgk 17.9cm
@sgk yes
@sgk not when you're homing Z, just when X and Y are homed
Home x and y -
@sgk then that looks fine and its just the setting in your slicer that needs looking at
@jay_s_uk ;M906 E500 or E1200 I10 ;motor current mA idle current 10%
; ===================== Axis Limits ========================
M208 X-23 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X300 Y300 Z350 S0 ; Set axis maxima
; ======================== Z-Probe =========================M291 P"Probing mesh grid process started" R"Probing.." S1 T2
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G28 ; home all axis bb
M671 X-30.0:364.0 Y175.0:175.0 S5.0 ;bed compensation
G30 P1 X5 Y150 Z-99999
G30 P0 X300 Y150 Z-99999 S2
G90 ; absolute positioning bb
;M557 X20:270 Y20:270 S240 ; Define mesh grid
M557 X20:270 Y20:270 P3 ; Define mesh grid
G29 S0 ; Probe the bed and save height map to file
M374 ; Save calibration data. Default is sys/heightmap.csv
M291 P"Probing mesh grid process finished !" R"Probing.." S1 T2 -
@sgk my bed is 350x350
@sgk said in bed center adjustment:
M208 X300 Y300 Z350 S0 ; Set axis maxima
That looks wrong to me for 350x350, you have set it to 300x300
@mintytrebor if I put 350x350 the head comes out of bed
@sgk said in bed center adjustment:
M208 X-23 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
are you sure your x minimum is -23?
if you change it to :
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X350 Y350 Z350 S0 ; Set axis maximadoes that stop it travelling outside the bed?
I changed 350x350 and my bed home xyz -
@sgk already there it is not centered
@sgk Can you confirm visually that when your x end stop is triggered your nozzle is 23mm from the edge of the bed? (so you have to move the head 23mm before the nozzle is above the bed)
Home x