Inconsistent IR probe readings
Hi all.
I have been using the differential IR probe for a while now and it has been working flawlessly. However, it has started to act up and I am not sure why. I changed my nozzle out to a bondtech CHT nozzle, re-adjusted the z offset, and now I have issues where the IR probe will not trigger. I re-ran a Z calibration to be sure, and I had some odd readings. With the heated bed off I was getting consistent readings between 1.55 and 1.56mm. I then turned the heated bed on, and as the temperature of the bed climbed, the z offset started to decrease. At 120C the z offset was reading 0.95, and I was getting some instances where the bed was crashing into the nozzle after the probe failed to trigger. I now have issues with printing because the probe will not trigger before it hits the nozzle. I have some pictures showing that the probe is definitely not too far away from the nozzle. I removed the probe and looked for physical damage on it and have found none. This issue was happening on RRF 3.2.2 and 3.3 (I updated in case maybe it was a bug).
The heated bed is a high temp e3d heated bed with borosilicate glass. I have placed a piece of matte black paper between the glass and the heated bed.
Could it be noise on the electronics? I've had issues with that before. Maybe I can change the mode of the IR sensor.
Any ideas on what the issue would be? I would like to continue using this probe.
I figured it out. I was poking around and saw that somebody else had an issue with the electrolytic capacitor and how it had lifted off the board. I re-soldered the capacitor down onto the board and thought I fixed it. It seemed to work, but once the board heated up from the residual heat I was still having issues.
I decided to look at the IR LED's through my phone camera, and only one was lighting up. As I pressed on the unlit LED, it lit up. I re-soldered the unlit LED, and now they both light up, and the LED doesn't lift off the broken solder joint as the board heats up.
If anybody else out there has issues with their boards and wants to check that the LED is working, look through your phone camera in the dark. It should show up as a pink/purple light on the screen.
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