8 Wire Stepper, bipolar series or parallel advice...
Hi All,
I've been fortunate enough to come across a set of the steppers linked below, and I was thinking of using one on my 1HCL driver at 40v. Being double ended I can then mount the encoder on the back of the motor until I get the bugs out of my bed position feedback setup.My question is do I use it in bipolar series or parallel wiring config? I have no intuitive sense of which is better, or if it even makes a difference.
Any constructive thoughts would be much appreciated.
All the best
Barry M -
Ok, it seems that bipolar parallel is potentially the way to go for a printer, higher torque at speed, if I can drive the higher current requirement. Thoughts?
@cncmodeller the high inductance would limit the speed if you use a serial connection. Use the motor EMF calculator at reprapfirmware.org to see the difference. You can use a 48V supply.